
lǎo zhōnɡ
  • a Chinese
  1. 目的:检测枸杞子对遗传物质DNA受损后修复的作用,探讨枸杞子在抗衰老中的药理作用。

    AIM : To study the effect of medlar on DNA repair after injury , and investigate the pharmacological role of medlar against aging .

  2. 目的建立正常老中青年呼气峰流量(PEF)的正常值范围及回归方程。

    Objective To build the normal ranges and regression equations of peak expiratory flow ( PEF ) in normal young , middle aged and old persosn .

  3. (许多老中还用散装茶叶,而不用茶袋。)

    Many Chinese still use loose-leaf tea rather than tea bag .

  4. 许多自私的老中,把慈善的捐款作为私用。

    Many selfish Chinese pocketed charitable donations for their personal use .

  5. 有些老中对政治问题,十分坚定不移。

    On political issues , some Chinese people are as firm as rocks .

  6. 许多老中用香烟招待客人,自己可能也是烟鬼。

    Many Chinese people who offer guests cigarettes may also smoke like chimneys .

  7. 纳米技术在皮肤美白及抗衰老中的应用

    Applications of Nanotechnology in Whitening and Anti-aging Cosmetics

  8. 许多传统的老中,希望儿子传宗接代。

    Many traditional Chinese hope for a son to carry on the family line .

  9. 新来移民的老中,面对逆境时,需要从容适应。

    The new Chinese immigrants have to roll with the punches when they face adversities .

  10. 成都地区正常老中青年呼气峰流量探讨

    Study of Peak Expiratory Flow in Normal Young , Middle-aged and Old Persons in Chengdu Area

  11. 令人遗憾的是许多老中常与自己同胞相斗。

    It is sad that many Chinese tend to be at loggerheads with their fellow Chinese .

  12. 许多过路人瞪著眼看著一群老中在公园里大声谈话。

    Many passersby stared at the group of Chinese talking as loud as thunder in the park .

  13. 我一定要继续为我老中读者写些浅白日常有用的英语。

    I am determined to continue writing plain , useful and practical English for my Chinese readers .

  14. 由于语言障碍,许多老中移民必须从事低层工作。

    Because of language barrier , many Chinese immigrants have to work at the bottom of the tree .

  15. 如果一些老中政客没有彼此相斗,中国可能老早成为超强大国。

    If some Chinese politicians had not been at loggerheads with one another , China could have become a superpower .

  16. 千千万万老中劲头十足地工作,盼望中国很快成受人尊敬的国家。

    Tens of millions of Chinese people are going at work hammer and tongs hoping that China will soon become a respected nation .

  17. 参加者希望这个海滨长廊可为老中青年人提供一个相聚的地方,加强区内的凝聚力。

    Participants wish that the Promenade could provide a gathering place for people of all ages , and could reinforce coherence in the district .

  18. 年轻的中国将更加开放往往比老中谁可能在其灵活的方式坚持-不同的方式将是有必要的,与后者需要更多的关注。

    Younger Chinese will often be more open and flexible than older Chinese who may be stuck in their ways – a different approach will be needed for both , with more attention required for the latter .

  19. 二战以后,老中两国关系经历了共同浴血奋战的战斗岁月,建立了同志加兄弟友情,也经历过非友即敌的敌视状态。

    After second the war , the historical relations between the two countries have gone through years of fighting of common bloody battles and establishment of the friendship of comrades and brothers and also been " bad and Enemy " the situation .

  20. 在老情歌中June总是和moon成韵。

    June always rhymes with moon in old love songs .

  21. 我们在他的一群老朋友中找到了他。

    We found him in the midst of a group of his usual friends .

  22. 老、中、青济济一堂,共同学习,相互激励。

    Gathered together , the old , the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other .

  23. 土壤干旱对老叶中的叶绿素a和叶绿素b的比率以及类胡萝卜素和叶绿素的比率的影响大于幼叶和成熟叶的。

    Soil drying had more effect on the ratios of chla / b and carotenoids / chls in old leaves than in young and mature leaves .

  24. 老叶中Cr受到一定程度的污染,而As污染较为严重。

    Cr in old leaves had been a certain degree of pollution , and As pollution was more serious .

  25. 结果老、中、青年组的眼震电图扭颈试验阳性率分别为53%、38%和24%,3组间比较差异有显著性(P值<0.05)。

    Results In ENG examination , the positive rates of cervical torsion test were 53 & , 38 % , 24 % in old , middle and young age groups respectively .

  26. 近几年国内许多高速公路建设也陆续引进这一技术,希望利用这一新的施工工艺来解决老规范中AC、AM、AK未能很好解决的问题。

    In recent years , most domestic highway construction projects also introduce the technology to solve problems which is not solved by old AC , AM and AK specification .

  27. NGS资料在老地层中的应用

    STRATUM Application of NGS Data to Palaeozoic Formation

  28. 在已经发布的产品的较老版本中发现bug时,您可以轻松检出特定版本,以确认、修订,并生成该bug的修补程序。

    When bugs are discovered in an older version of a shipped product , you can easily check out that specific version to confirm , fix , and generate a patch for the bug .

  29. 在墨尔本居住了多年的史蒂夫·昆佩尔(SteveCumper)六年前来到小天鹅村(Cygnet)买下了一家简陋餐厅,这家餐厅开在一座建于1912年的老房子中。

    Melbourne veteran Steve Cumper arrived in the hamlet of Cygnet six years ago and snapped up a shabby cafe in a historic 1912 building .

  30. 但RIA方法能够规避这个问题,它能够让服务器软件栈在新环境中正常工作,即使它认为仍然在老环境中工作。

    The RIA approach circumvented the problem , letting the server software stack work in the new environment even if it continued to think it was still living in the old environment .