
  1. 唐代仕女画之美

    On the beauty of small paintings

  2. 是目前全世界范围内唯一认定的唐代仕女画传世孤本。

    Is currently the only recognized worldwide tang handed down only existing copy of seeing painting .

  3. 从《簪花仕女图》探看唐代仕女画的审美风格

    On the Painting Style of the Tang Dynasty Through the Picture A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin

  4. 研究唐代仕女画对弄清唐代美学思想演变具有很好的价值。

    Tang ladies painted on the clear ideological evolution of the Tang Dynasty aesthetics good value .

  5. 论唐代仕女画的神与形

    Talk about " Verve " and " Form " of the Noble Woman Painting of Tang Dynasty

  6. 唐代仕女画在中国古代仕女画发展史占有重要的地位。

    Tang Dynasty painting of noble woman occupies an important position in ancient painting of noble woman development history in China .

  7. 只有汲取唐代仕女画的艺术精华,才能在继承优秀民族文化传统的基础上进行下一步的创新。

    Only to learn the essence of the Tang Dynasty Ladies Painting , can we inherit the cultural traditions of innovation on the next step .

  8. 本文就是要通过分析《簪花仕女图》这一画作,从而探寻出佛教艺术审美对唐代仕女画的影响。

    This thesis aims at exploring the effect of Buddhism aesthetic taste on Beauty Paintings of Tang , which bases on the analysis of painting Beauties Wearing Flowers .

  9. 论文完成的主要工作是:1、简述了唐代仕女画的发展分期、代表作品、风格技法和历史地位。

    The paper complete the tasks : 1 . outlines the development of the traditional Chinese Painting of beautiful women in the Tang Dynasty in phases , representative works , styles , techniques and historical status .

  10. 两者差异的对比则能发现取材于上层社会的唐代仕女画毕竟与普通百姓的生活、思想有鸿沟,且带有浓重的政治、教化意识。

    Both differences can find the contrast of the Tang dynasty noble class ladies with ordinary people draw after all of the lives , thoughts have gap , and with a strong political , enlightenment consciousness .

  11. 唐代工笔仕女画采用散点构图的方式,观者可以移步换景。

    Ladies Tang Dynasty painting draws by way of scattered perspective , so the viewer can view the venue and change .

  12. 唐代工笔仕女画在中国绘画史上只占了很小的角色,但它却最鲜明的体现了时代的审美观念。

    Tang ladies in the history of Chinese painting only a small role , but it reflects the most distinctive aesthetic concept of the times .

  13. 唐代工笔仕女画的艺术特征包含其初唐的清秀和盛晚唐的丰腴,引导了社会的潮流。

    Tang ladies the art of painting features include its Early Tang Dynasty and the Qing Feng Yu-sheng of the late Tang Dynasty , and guide social trend .

  14. 唐代工笔仕女画在历史上之所以光辉灿烂,最重要的一点是它具体地反映了唐代的现实生活,取得现实主义的重要成就。

    Tang ladies in the history of painting is brilliant , the most important point is that it specifically to reflect the realities of life of the Tang Dynasty , the reality of the important achievements .

  15. 唐代工笔仕女画给人的强烈视觉印象就是人物组合的整体气势,以恰当的形式,表达了作品特定的意蕴,充分体现了民族绘画艺术的特点。

    Tang ladies painting gives the strong visual impression that the overall stature figure portfolio , in an appropriate form , and expressed the Meaning of specific works fully reflect the national characteristics of the art of painting .

  16. 论述当代工笔重彩人物画与唐代工笔仕女画在审美视角与造型构图、色彩表现和传神三个方面的比较,并且结合具体作品加以分析说明。

    Discussion lies in contemporary meticulous figure painting comparing with Ladies Tang Dynasty painting in aesthetic perspective and style of composition , color and vivid performance comparison of the three areas , and illustrates it with concrete work .

  17. 唐代是中国传统仕女画的黄金时期。

    Tang Dynasty is a Golden Age of the traditional Chinese Painting of beautiful women .