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  1. 唐代书法风格论述要

    An overview on the style of calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 试论唐代书法与唐诗的相互关系及影响

    On the Relationship between Tang Poems and Tang Dynasty Calligraphy

  3. 唐代书法美学思想与主体精神演变史研究

    The Study of the History about the Evolution of Calligraphy Aesthetic Thought and Subjectivity in Tang Dynasty

  4. 可以说,没有这种融合,就不会有唐代书法的繁荣。

    In other words , without the mixture , there would be no the calligraphic prosperity of Tang Dynasty .

  5. 我们也深切地感受到,在唐代书法美学思想发展的历时进程中,书法艺术创作的主体精神也经历一个由弱到强的移置变迁的过程。

    We are also deeply felt , in the development of calligraphy thinking aesthetics , the subjectivity of artistic creation has gone through a evolutionary process with " weak - strong " .

  6. 最普及、最成熟和高度繁荣的唐代书法艺术文化,不仅形成了一种独特的文化奇观,而且是一代艺术精神的集中点。

    The most popular , most mature and highly prosperous Tang Dynasty calligraphy art culture , not only the formation of a unique cultural wonders , and is a focal point for generation of artistic spirit .

  7. 总体而言,唐代书法美学思想是唐代国家统一、民族兴旺、政治经济文化全面繁荣发展的昂扬勃发的时代精神的集中地体现。

    In general , the calligraphic aethetics of the Tang Dynasty is the accurate embodiment of the unity of the state , the flourish of all ethnic groups , the prosperity of politics , economy and culture .

  8. 对中晚唐僧人草书现象的研究,有助于更全面地认识唐代书法,更深刻地探索唐代书法与文化之间的关系,对当代书法创作、书法研究亦有启迪作用。

    The research of cursive script monk phenomenon during the Mid-late Tang Dynasty can help with an overall understanding calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty and profoundly explore the Tang Dynasty calligraphy and it 's relationship with culture .

  9. 唐代的书法、绘画、雕刻等成就都很高;

    Calligraphy , painting and sculpture flourished in the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 楷书和草书体现着唐代的书法规则,也是唐代书法的最高成就。

    Regular script and cursive script represented the principles of calligraphy , and it was also the greatest achievements .

  11. 论唐代狂士书法

    On the Calligraphy of the Unrestrained Scholars in the Tang Dynasty

  12. 唐代蒙学中的书法教育

    Calligraphy Education in the Tang Dynasty 's Private Schools

  13. 唐代蒙学中的书法教育我国工业工程专业教育研究

    Calligraphy Education in the Tang Dynasty 's Private Schools Education of Industrial Engineering Specialty in China

  14. 本文主要通过对唐代复杂丰富的书法思想的梳理,见出了唐代书法美学的大体面貌及其发展演变过程。

    This text passes to thought to the complicated and abundant calligraphy in Tang Dynasty primarily of comb , see a big for the calligraphy of Tang Dynasty is esthetic feature and its developments turn into the process .

  15. 唐代社会生活、文化风尚与文化主体精神风貌的时代演变,深刻地影响着唐代书法艺术精神的嬗变与转折。

    Tang social life , cultural habits and cultural evolution of the main spirit of the times , profoundly impact on the spirit of the Tang Dynasty calligraphy change and turning point .