
  • 网络seal
  1. 中国印�印章即玺印篆刻,是依附于书法而又具有相对独立性的一种传统艺术形式。

    Chinese Seals Seal cutting , though based on Chinese calligraphy , is a comparatively independent traditional art form .

  2. 事实上西周的玺印不同于春秋玺印,春秋玺印又不同于战国玺印。

    But no one have distinguished the difference of seal between Westen Zhou , Spring and Autumn , and Warring states .

  3. 玺印一般分为官印和私印两类。

    Xiyin can be classified into official seals and private seals .

  4. 吉林大学藏玺印研究

    A Study on Seals Collected in Jilin University

  5. 笔者发现了西周陶器、青铜器上的文字是用玺印抑印而成的。

    The writer consider the imprint of the Westen Zhou'seal can be found in it 's pottery .

  6. 制定玺印类文物的定名标准,使文物管理和研究工作趋于规范、科学、精确,以此带动其他类文物管理工作的改进和提高;

    We establish the denominate criterion , which makes the relic management and research work more scientific and exact ;

  7. 附在文件上的玺印是一块封蜡。硕大的火漆封蜡上盖着温思罗普的纹章。

    The seal attached to documents is a piece of wax . The broad seal was impressed with Winthrop 's coat of arms .

  8. 这是冷言冷语叙述的真理,是用宇宙的黑色铁玺印就的,是把声音的强大节奏织人光辉和美的织品里造成的。

    It is the truth of the sneer , stamped out from the black iron of the Cosmos and interwoven with mighty rhythms of sound into a fabric of splendor and beauty .

  9. 馆内收藏各类珍贵文物达12万多件,包括青铜器,陶瓷器,书法,绘画,佛像雕塑,玉器,钱币,玺印等21个门类。

    The museum keeps a collection of over 120 thousand pieces of precious cultural relics in 21 categories such as bronze ware , ceramics , calligraphy works , paintings , buddhist sculptures , jade ware , coins and imperial seals .

  10. 本文简要回顾了古文字尤其是战国玺印文字研究的历史和现状,从古文字构形学的角度,研究了战国玺印文字形体的演变规律。

    This dissertation briefly reviews the historical and current researches about ancient Chinese characters , especially characters on ancient seals made in the Warring States Period , and studies the patterns of structure evolution of these characters from the perspective of the morphology of ancient characters .

  11. 战国古玺文字造型和印面构成丰富多变,因此在篆刻风格中最具形式美。

    Ancient Seals and the printed text form constitutes a rich and varied surface , so the carving style of the most formal beauty .