
  • Dad, where are you going?
  1. 那爸爸去哪儿了呢?”

    and the children.Where is the father ? "

  2. 同时关于《爸爸去哪儿》的搜索在新浪微博上就超过了4000万。

    And searches for Where Are We Going Dad ? turn up over 40 million hits on Sina Weibo , Chinas Twitter .

  3. 但是中国版的《爸爸去哪儿》并不仅仅是考验名人爸爸能不能烧开水或是系鞋带,它还引起了更深层次的共鸣。

    But in China , besides merely testing whether famous dads can boil water and tie shoelaces , it has a deeper resonance .

  4. 近日有报道称,在中国热播的亲子节目《爸爸去哪儿》将会被要求取消制作。

    It 's being reported the hit Chinese reality show " Where Are We Going , Dad ? " could end up being cancelled .

  5. 《爸爸去哪儿》第二季在半个月前结束了,《中国好声音》总决赛上周也落幕了。

    Where Are We Going , Dad ? season 2 finished two weeks ago , and The Voice of China had its finale last week .

  6. 如同中国的许多节目一样,《爸爸去哪儿》也是复制的外国节目&韩国的一档对准名人爸爸的亲子系列节目。

    Like much on Chinese television , this is a copy of a foreign show – a South Korean series about celebrity dads and their offspring .

  7. 如同中国的许多节目一样,《爸爸去哪儿》也是复制的外国节目——韩国的一档对准名人爸爸的亲子系列节目。

    Like much on Chinese television , this is a copy of a foreign show - a South Korean series about celebrity dads and their offspring .

  8. 《爸爸去哪儿》的一大吸引力就是让人们有机会了解中国名人及其子女的生活。

    Part of the appeal of Where Are We Going Dad ? is the chance to peek into the lives of popular Chinese celebrities and their children .

  9. 即使你还没有看过《爸爸去哪儿》,读过下面内容,也许你会对他们的性格和节目中的互动有一些基本了解。

    Even if you don 't watch the show , read our descriptions of their personalities and chemistry to get familiar and maybe build up some vocabulary .

  10. 据悉,《爸爸去哪儿》第4季原计划于今年夏天播出,已经吸引了超过15亿元的广告投资。

    The impending 4th season of the hit show , which was due to hit screens this summer , had already attracted over 1.5 billion yuan worth of advertising .

  11. 电影版《爸爸去哪儿》也有望在新年之际上映。据政府网站预计,就连明年重要的公务员考试也可能会涉及到这档节目秀。

    A spin-off movie may be released in conjunction with Chinese New Year , and government websites predict that the all-important civil servant interviews next year will feature questions about the show .

  12. 综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿》展现了打破中国传统的新时代男人积极参与到子女生活中的情景。

    Where Are We Going , Dad ? presents a new generation of men who , in a break from Chinese tradition , now take an active role in their children 's lives .

  13. 真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》近来在中国内地一炮而红,因为这档节目触及了中产阶级的焦虑&中国人的育儿方法到底正不正确。

    Dad , Where Are We Going ? is a reality television show that shot to mainland fame recently because it taps into middle-class angst about whether China is raising its children right .

  14. 作为媒体攻势的一部分,公司找来了人气颇高的真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》中的明星爸爸,邀请他们在微博上进行宣传。

    As part of the media blitz , it used celebrity dads from the popular reality television show called Father , Where Are You Going ? to promote the campaign through their own microblogs .

  15. 通知下发后,一些地方卫视已取消了《爸爸去哪儿》、《爸爸回来了》等明星及其子女出演的热播节目。

    Some local TV stations have already canceled programs starring celebrities and their children , including the popular " Dad ! Where Are We Going ? " and " Dad Came Back , " following the SAPPRFT 's announcement .

  16. 中国当前最火爆的一些电视节目,如浙江电视台的游戏综艺节目《奔跑吧兄弟》,湖南电视台的真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》,都是以韩国节目为模版制作的。

    Some of the hottest Chinese programs , like Zhejiang Television 's game-variety show " Running Man " and Hunan Television 's reality show " Where Are We Going , Dad ? , " were based on South Korean formats .

  17. 《爸爸去哪儿》是一个改编自韩国流行的同名真人秀节目,内容主要讲的是一群明星父亲带着他们的小孩在中国各地旅行,同时会面临各种挑战。

    Adapted from a popular South Korean show of the same name , " Where Are We Going , Dad ? " features a group of celebrity dads taking their young children on trips across China , with various challenges put before them .

  18. 近几周,父亲的角色问题也成为媒体关注的焦点话题。此前在上个月,一档名为《爸爸去哪儿》的真人秀节目成为中国电视台和在线视频网站土豆网上的热门节目。

    Fathers ' roles have also been featured in the media limelight in recent weeks after a reality show called ' Where Are We Going , Dad ? ' became a hit last month on Chinese television and the online video site Tudou .

  19. 《爸爸去哪儿》的制作方湖南卫视表示,目前还没能确定这个节目是否停止播出,他们也在试图争取通过改版等多种方式来满足新措施的规章要求。

    Hunan TV , which produces " Where Are We Going , Dad ? " says its too early to say whether the show will be cancelled , saying its planning to make adjustments to its production to try to fit the new regulations .

  20. 《爸爸去哪儿》似乎在鼓励中国新一代父母们也这么干:对中国传统养育方式发起一场革命,拒绝溺爱、娇惯、过度保护孩子,起码比自己当初被溺爱、娇惯、过度保护的程度弱些。

    Dad , Where Are We Going ? seems to encourage China 's newest generation of parents to do that , too : launch a counter-revolution in Chinese parenting by refusing to coddle , pamper and overprotect their kids - or , at least , not to the degree that they themselves were coddled , pampered and overprotected .

  21. -随着“爸爸去哪儿”“爸爸回来了”等节目的走红,参加节目的孩子们的生活也曝光在公众的目光之中。-

    Now let 's learn the word in the news . The Hit Chinese reality TV shows " Where Are We Going , Dad ? " " Dad is Back " have been criticized of making the children early mature . A recent report from Xinhua net says that some Child stars from the TV shows are very young .

  22. 爸爸,我们去哪儿吃早餐?

    Daddy , where are we going to have breakfast ?

  23. 这样一来,每天放学后,我和爸爸就会为我去哪儿上大学而引发争吵。

    So every day after school , my dad and I had blown out fights about where I would go to college .

  24. 爸爸,您要去哪儿。

    Where are you going , dad ?

  25. 例句:当他爸爸问他要去哪儿时,他撒了一个善意的谎言。

    Sample Sentence : He told a white lie when his father asked where he was going .