
  • 网络Dad's back;hand hold
  1. 她刚要跟上,楼上便有人高声问道:“是爸爸回来了吗?”

    As she was about to follow there came a piping voice from upstairs . ' Is that Daddy back ? '

  2. 即使爸爸回来了,在黑暗中玩耍也没什么乐趣。

    Even if Dad came back , it wouldn 't be much fun playing in the dark .

  3. 睁开眼一看,原来是爸爸回来了。

    Opened his eyes a look that is my father back .

  4. 哦,你爸爸回来了。

    Oh , your father is home !

  5. 爸爸回来了,我们请教了爸爸,爸爸将这辆四驱车拼好了,啊!

    Dad came back , we asked a daddy , daddy will the raider buggies spell well , ah !

  6. 我确信昨天晚上我们全家一定都是相当激动,而且此刻一定也仍在激动中,因为爸爸回来了。

    Last night , I 'm sure my whole family was and now still is excited , cause my dad is back .

  7. 没等多久他爸爸就回来了。

    He didn 't wait long before his father came back .

  8. 今天很急,因为爸爸快回来了,我还是快点吧。

    Urgent today because the father soon returned , I was quickly it .

  9. 过了一会儿,爸爸妈妈回来了,我给妈妈说;“刚才有位叔叔打电话说他们要买东西。”

    After a while , the father mother came back , I give mom said : " Just one uncle telephoned to say that they want to buy things . "

  10. 他们和他们的爸爸回来找你了。

    They 've come back with their father to look for you .

  11. 爸爸,我回来了你真的很高兴吗?

    Dad , are you really happy I 'm back ?

  12. 啊,只要爸爸回来就好了!

    Oh , if Pa would only come home !

  13. 而且,你爸爸也快回来了!”

    And your father 'll come back soon ! "

  14. 爸爸马上就回来了

    Daddy will be home any minute , ok ?

  15. 妈妈爸爸就要回来了。

    Mummy and daddy will be back soon .

  16. 哦,爸爸,你回来了。

    Oh , dad , there you are .

  17. 啊,爸爸,你回来了!

    Father , you have returned !

  18. 十二年过去了,那小姑娘的爸爸一定早回来了。

    Twelve years have passed .

  19. 啊,只要爸爸回来就好了!这个疑团她实在再也忍受不了啦。她又一次焦急地沿着大路向前望去,又一次大失所望。

    Oh , if Pa would only come home ! She could not endure the suspense another moment She looked impatiently down the road again , and again she was disappointed .

  20. 还不明白他爸爸永远都不会回来了。

    He doesn 't get that his daddy is never coming home .

  21. 戏,而是真心真意地去做,看看爸爸回来时你们走了多远的路。”

    n again , not in play , but in earnest , and see how far on you can get before Father comes home . "

  22. -随着“爸爸去哪儿”“爸爸回来了”等节目的走红,参加节目的孩子们的生活也曝光在公众的目光之中。-

    Now let 's learn the word in the news . The Hit Chinese reality TV shows " Where Are We Going , Dad ? " " Dad is Back " have been criticized of making the children early mature . A recent report from Xinhua net says that some Child stars from the TV shows are very young .

  23. 通知下发后,一些地方卫视已取消了《爸爸去哪儿》、《爸爸回来了》等明星及其子女出演的热播节目。

    Some local TV stations have already canceled programs starring celebrities and their children , including the popular " Dad ! Where Are We Going ? " and " Dad Came Back , " following the SAPPRFT 's announcement .