
xià jiǎn
  • lower eyelid
  1. 36眼伴有下睑外翻。

    And 36 eyes were complicated with lower eyelid ectropion .

  2. 缺损位于上睑6例,下睑14例。

    Cases were upper eyelid defect and 14 cases were lower eyelid defect .

  3. 目的探讨经下睑睫毛缘下皮肤切口于鼻内窥镜下经筛窦联合入路行羟基磷灰石(HA)复合体整复眶爆裂性骨折的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effect of orbit blowout fracture reconstruction through nasal endoscope .

  4. ①目的探讨Z成形术矫治上、下睑倒睫的临床效果。

    Objective To explore the clinical effects of rectify the upper and lower eyelid trichiasis with Z plasty .

  5. 异体巩膜植入联合Z形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩角膜上皮移植术治疗陈旧性眼部烧伤的临床应用

    Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction Keratoepithelioplasty for old ocular burns

  6. 自体指甲作睑板再造材料的实验研究和临床观察异体巩膜植入联合Z形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩

    Nail plate as a graft material in tarsus reconstructive surgery Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction

  7. E-PTFE补片增强眶隔膜在下睑眼袋整复中的运用及疗效评价提上睑肌折叠术联合眼睑皮肤松弛矫正术治疗老年性上睑下垂

    E-PTFE Patch Orbital Septum Strengthening Technique in Low-lid Blepharoplasty ; Senile ptosis by pleating of levator palpebrae superioris combined with cutis laxa diorthosis

  8. 国人下睑眼袋分类及对应术式

    The classification and surgical technique of lower lid blepharoplasty in Chinese

  9. 视网膜电图及其下睑记录的价值研究

    Study on electroretinogram record on lower eyelids and its clinical value

  10. 异体阔筋膜兜带术矫正下睑松弛及外翻

    Lower eyelid suspension using allogenic fascia lata to the correction of ectropion

  11. 2例术后产生轻度A型外斜视,2例出现下睑退缩。

    Cases had mild A-pattern exotropia and 2 had lower lid retraction .

  12. 儿童下睑赘皮的诊断和治疗&附60例病例报告

    The diagnosis and treatment of epiblepharon of children with 60 cases report

  13. 穹隆部结膜小切口下睑眼袋去脂整复

    Conjunctival fornix small incision to remove the lipid in lower eye pouch

  14. 改良的下睑内翻矫正术15例

    Modified correction for 15 patients with senile spastic entropion of lower lid

  15. 重度先天性下睑内翻并倒向型内眦赘皮的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of severe congenital entropion in lower eyelid with inverse epicanthus

  16. 下睑美容整形术有关诊断与术式选择

    Aesthetic plastic surgery at lower eyelids : its diagnosis and choice of operations

  17. 同期修复泪小管断裂伴下睑外翻

    Simultaneous repair of the broken lacrimal ductule and ectropion

  18. 睑袋整复术后下睑退缩的矫正

    Correction of lower eyelid retraction following lower eyelid blepharoplasty

  19. 下睑部分全层缺损修复

    Repair of full thickness defects of the lower eyelid

  20. 加强下睑支持结构的下睑年轻化整形术

    Rejuvenating lower blepharoplasty with repair of the supporting structure of the lower eyelid

  21. 小儿先天性下睑倒睫39例的手术治疗

    The surgery of inborn inferior eyelids trichiasis in children

  22. 堆填区修复工程时间表岛状眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复下睑外翻畸形

    Repair method of lower eyelid ectropion with island musculo-cutaneous flap of orbicularis oculi

  23. 下睑基底细胞癌。2。菱形皮瓣。3。菱形皮瓣转位缝合遮盖皮肤缺损区。4。术后效果。

    Lower eyelid basal cell carcinoma.2.Rhombic flap.3.Rhombic flap sutured into the defect.4.Postoperative result .

  24. 下睑肿瘤切除术后耳软骨移植Ⅰ期下睑再造

    First-phase lower lid reconstitution with graft of ear cartilage after excision of tumor

  25. 埋没导引缝合法修复下睑皮肤软组织部分缺损

    Treatment of skin and soft-tissue defect of lower eyelid with buried guiding suture needle

  26. 鼻外侧超薄皮瓣修复下睑软组织缺损的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Nasolabial Subdermal Vascular Plexus Thin Flap on Palpebra Inferior Tissue Defects

  27. 下睑眼袋应用解剖

    The applied anatomy of aging lower eyelid blepharoptosis

  28. 目的探讨一种新的保留眶隔脂肪平复下睑眶缘凹陷的下眼袋整形术。

    Objective To explore a newtechnique of lower blepharoplasty without resecting orbital septum fat .

  29. 应用上睑板结膜瓣再造下睑

    Inferior tarsus reconstruction using superior palpebral conjunctival flap

  30. 经外眦及结膜联合入路下睑年轻化美容整形术

    The rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva