
jiǎn qiú zhān lián
  • symblepharon
  1. 保存羊膜联合自体球结膜移植治疗复发性睑球粘连

    Preserved amniotic membrane combined with conjunctival autograft transplantation for recurrent symblepharon

  2. 板层角膜移植联合球结膜唇粘膜移植治疗烧伤重症睑球粘连

    Lameller Keratoplasty with Bulbar Conjunctiva and Lip Membrane Transplantation for Severe Symblepharon

  3. 结果术后3月及6月分别比较两组复发率,A组均明显少于B组,(P<0.05),A组未出现角膜上皮延缓生长和睑球粘连等并发症。

    Results After the operation , Group A had a significantly lower recurrence than Group B ( P < 0.05 ) at 3 and 6 months . No complications , such as growth retardation of corneal epithelium or symblepharon were found in Group A.

  4. 目的探讨新鲜供体带角膜缘板层角膜移植(LKP)联合带角膜缘干细胞自体球结膜移植和羊膜移植治疗眼烧伤后重度睑球粘连的眼表重建效果。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of lamellar keratoplasty ( LKP ) using fresh graft with limbus , combined with conjunctival limbal autograft transplantation ( CLAT ) and amniotic membrane transplantation ( AMT ), in treating severe symblepharon resulting from eye burns .

  5. 术后翼状胬肉、眼表肿瘤和睑球粘连均没有复发,睑球粘连者均恢复了眼球的运动功能。

    The ocular movement was restored for the eyes with symblepharon .

  6. 眼部化学及热烧伤后睑球粘连的手术体会

    Operation Experience on Atretoblepharia Induced by Chemistry and Thermal Burn Injury

  7. 睑球粘连:17只眼(65%)第一次手术后粘连完全分离,复视消失;

    Conjunctival adhesion was completely relieved and diplopia disappeared in 17 eyes .

  8. 眼烧伤后重度睑球粘连眼表重建的临床研究

    Ocular surface reconstruction for severe symblepharon resulting from eye burns

  9. 自制眼壳治疗睑球粘连

    Treatment of symblepharon with self ─ made ocular shell

  10. 结论羊膜可充当生物支架用于重建睑球粘连解除后的巨大结膜创面。

    Conclusion Amniotic membrane can be used to reconstruct large conjunctival surfaces effectively .

  11. 羊膜联合自体穹隆结膜移植治疗睑球粘连的实验研究

    Experimental study on amniotic membrane transplantation combined with fornical conjunctiva autoplasty for symblepharon

  12. 人眼结膜上皮细胞体外培养治疗睑球粘连

    Human conjunctival epithelial cells cultured in vitro for symblepharon

  13. 自体唇黏膜移植治疗严重睑球粘连患者的护理

    Nursing Care for Patients with Sever Symblepharon Treated by Autologous Oral Mucosa Transplantation

  14. 目的探讨羊膜移植治疗外伤性睑球粘连的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the treatment effect of amniotic membrane transplantation on symblepharon .

  15. 聚四氟乙烯联合角膜缘干细胞移植治疗复发性翼状胬肉并睑球粘连

    PTFE combined with limbal stem cell transplantation for the treatment of recurrent pterygium and symblepharon

  16. 失败2例,术后睑球粘连复发,穹窿消失。

    Failure occurred in2 patients , with recurrence of symblepharon , and disappearance of fornix .

  17. 羊膜移植是一种较好的治疗睑球粘连结膜囊再造的方法。

    Amniotic membrane transplantation is a good method for the conjunctiva fornix reconstruction in the treatment of symblepharon .

  18. 结果无一例出现排斥反应及严重并发症,睑球粘连得到解除,仅一例复发。

    Results No serious complications including grafting rejection occurred . Recurrence of pterygium was observed in only one case .

  19. 对照组2例并发角膜疤痕,1例并发睑球粘连。

    In the control group , 2 patients were complicated by corneal scar formation and one complicated by symblepharon .

  20. 4眼发生睑球粘连,余形成足够的穹窿深度,眼球运动基本正常。

    Symblepharon occurred in 4 eyes , the remaining eyes obtained deep enough fornix and ocular movement was normal .

  21. 睑球粘连、结膜囊狭窄3例术后羊膜生长良好,均形成了足够深的穹窿且恢复了眼球运动功能;

    The amnions of 3 cases with symblepharon and conjunctival sac narrow grew well and the eyeball moving function recovered .

  22. 羊膜、自体唇粘膜和结角膜缘移植治疗严重睑球粘连

    Chinese Knot Amniotic membrane with autologous oral mucosa and conjunctival limbal grafts transplantation for ocular surface reconstruction in sever symblepharon

  23. 生物羊膜联合带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植治疗伴睑球粘连的复发性翼状胬肉

    Biological amnion combined with conjunctival flap with limbus stem cell transplant in the treatment of recurrent pterygium complicated with symblepharon

  24. 目的:观察和探讨保存羊膜联合自体球结膜移植治疗复发性睑球粘连的临床效果和价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the therapeutic effects and value of preserved amniotic membrane combined with conjunctival autograft transplantation for recurrent symblepharon .

  25. 结果21例(22眼)睑球粘连结膜囊重建的效果满意率达818%。

    Results The results of the conjunctival sac reconstruction in 21 symblepharon cases ( 22 eyes ) were favourable in 81.8 % .

  26. 目的观察和评价不同眼表疾病中羊膜移植结膜囊再造治疗睑球粘连的效果。方法采用新鲜羊膜移植行结膜囊再造11例(11眼)。

    Objective To observe and evaluate the clinical outcome of amniotic membrane transplantation ( AMT ) for conjunctival fornix reconstruction in various ocular surface disease .

  27. 34只眼中伴睑球粘连者18只眼,16只眼恢复了良好的眼球运动功能,2只眼术后1~3个月再次发生轻度睑球粘连。

    In 11 eyes of symblepharon 16 eyes restored their good function of ocular movement and 2 eyes were lightly relapsed after 1-3 months of operation .

  28. 对照组34眼角膜溃疡,30眼角膜大白斑伴角膜血管化,21眼发生不同程度睑球粘连。

    Whilst in control group , corneal ulcer occurred on 34 eyes , leucoma accompanied by severe panus on 30 eyes , symblepharon on 21 eyes .

  29. 结论早期羊膜移植治疗严重眼表碱烧伤可减少角膜溃疡穿孔、预防睑球粘连、缩短炎症反应时间、减少新生血管形成和改善一定视力。

    Conclusions Early preserved human amnion transplantation can effectively decrease the occurrence of corneal perforation , prevent symblepharon , shorten the time of inflammation , improve visual acuity .

  30. 对照组6例10眼,6眼角膜溃疡穿孔,6眼角膜大白斑伴严重血管翳,5眼发生不同程度的睑球粘连。

    Whilst in the control group , ulcerative perforation occurred in 6 of 10 eyes , leucoma accompanied by severe panus in 6 eyes , symblepharon in 5 eyes .