
xià diē qū shì
  • Downtrend;sagging tendency
  1. 很多交易商都预测最近市场的下跌趋势还将延续。

    Many traders forecast a continuation of the market 's recent bearish trend .

  2. 每月EIA报告会发出另一版本而且会缩减2009年计划,下跌趋势将会加剧。

    This downward trend in demand was further emphasized by the monthly EIA report issuing another revision and downsizing the overall projections for2009 .

  3. 这种出货加剧了市场下跌趋势的压力。

    This selling adds to the downward pressure in the market .

  4. 除非证明相反,否则,“中期下跌趋势”依然是保持完整。

    An " intermediate-term downtrend " remains intact until proven otherwise .

  5. 但是该支付溢价近年来正呈直线下跌趋势。

    But this premium has been declining sharply in recent years .

  6. 灰化率不稳定呈大幅度下跌趋势。

    Ashing rate was a significant decline of instability .

  7. 利润今年呈持续下跌趋势。

    Profits continue to slip this year .

  8. 股市周五收盘走高,但是本周却呈现下跌趋势。

    Stocks after posting gains Friday move the other way to begin the new week .

  9. 假设每年的股价不是50就是100,没有上涨或下跌趋势。

    Suppose its level alternates each year between 50 and 100 , with no upward or downward trend .

  10. 出现这种情况时,货币政策就会失去刺激经济增长的效力,价格也会出现下跌趋势。

    When this happens , monetary policy loses its power to stimulate the economy and prices tend to fall .

  11. 澳大利亚市场尽管利率大幅下调到4.25%,还是紧随整个区域的下跌趋势。

    Markets in Australia followed the regional trend downwards , despite another sizable cut in interest rates , to4.25 percent .

  12. 这对于保险金(增长情况)来说毫无价值:处于一年前开始的下跌趋势下,它在06年仍将会低于一般预测的期望值。

    It is also worth noting that premium growth in2006 will come in well below the average analysts'expectations from a year ago .

  13. 美国供应管理协会今天表示,其对于工厂活动的评级因新订单和生产下滑在上月呈现下跌趋势。

    The institute for supply management said today that its rating on factory activity dropped last month s new orders and production fell .

  14. 因此,它将变得疲软(即其波动率将下降),其价格通常会进入下跌趋势。

    As a consequence , it will become inert ( i.e.its rate of vibration will fall ) and its price will typically enter a downtrend .

  15. 以自下而上,形成一个下跌趋势扭转,安全的需要,形成低,高于先前的低点。

    For a bottom to form and a downtrend to reverse , a security needs to form a low that is higher than the previous low .

  16. 受银行股和某些科技股震荡走低拖累,欧洲股市周一高开低走丢失了盘初的上涨成果,但下跌趋势明显弱于前几个交易日。

    European stock markets surrendered early gains Monday as banks and some technology stocks swung lower , though moves were more muted than in previous sessions .

  17. 随着国际金融一体化,主要国际股票市场呈现一起上涨或者一起下跌趋势,因此世界投资者十分关注股票市场的联动性。

    According to international finance globalization , Major international stock markets appear together rise or together down , so global investor attention to Co-Movement in stock market .

  18. 在市场崩盘时,皮质醇很有可能上升,同时,随着风险厌恶情绪的不断增加,会加剧市场下跌趋势,这份论文称。

    Cortisol is likely to rise in a market crash and , by increasing risk aversion , to exaggerate the market 's downward movement , the paper says .

  19. 但不要把这种下跌趋势与熊市重新开始相混淆,因为它只是巩固第一阶段的快速上涨。

    That downward trend , however , is not to be confused with a renewed bear market , because it is simply a consolidation of the rapid gains from phase one .

  20. 做空欧元的交易可能已经多过头了。欧元已呈现单边下跌趋势,我们逢高抛盘的策略在过去几个星期一直非常管用。

    The euro bear trade may be overcrowded-The euro has become a one way downward trade and our sell in the rallies strategy has worked well over the past few weeks .

  21. 根据世界银行的数据,从今年一月到四月,全球食品价格增长了4%,结束了肇始于2012年8月的下跌趋势。

    Global food prices increased by four percent between January and April of this year , according to the World Bank , stopping a decline in food prices starting in August 2012 .

  22. 前不久有个出色的程序员告诉我,他总是在亏钱,他说不管是谁接了他的止损单,这个接单的人一定赚了很多,因为他的止损单总是在下跌趋势的底部。

    A brilliant programmer told me recently that he kept losing money but whoever was buying off of his stops must have been profitable because his stops kept nailing the bottoms of declines .

  23. 上述警告突显出一种日益普遍的观点,即金融市场动荡和信贷环境收紧,是美国房地产市场暴跌的早期结果。目前美国房地产市场的下跌趋势正在加快。

    The warning underlines an increasingly widespread view that the turmoil in financial markets and tightening lending conditions are early consequences of a slump in the US housing market that is gathering momentum .

  24. 在美国,自四月份人们对经济复苏的担忧以来,股票价格一直处于下跌趋势。本周,一个商业研究组织报告称,经过三个月的增长之后,消费者信息再次下滑。

    In the United States , stocks have been falling since April on concerns about the recovery . This week a business research group reported a drop in consumer confidence after three months of gains .

  25. 房屋价值的下跌趋势将维持到2010年年中,而对于仍在历史高位以下45%的股市,还不曾有过在两年内收复失地的先例。

    Home values will keep falling through mid-2010 and there is no precedent for equity markets , still down 45 per cent from their peak , to make those losses up in just two years .

  26. 目前的市场图像仍然显示下跌趋势的持续:原油市场已经跌破投资者认为的心理价位$60.00。

    The current chart pattern remains indicative of a continuation of the downtrend ; we have already broken below $ 60.00 in Brent ( Oil ) which we feel was a psychological target for some traders .

  27. 本周将对确定美元是否已脱离为期6年的下跌趋势至关重要。人们日趋预期,美国处于迅速摆脱经济低迷的最佳地位。

    This week will be crucial in determining whether the dollar has broken free from its six-year downward trend , as speculation mounts that the US is in the best position to emerge quickly from the economic downturn .

  28. 大宗商品今早黄金价格小幅上涨,涨逾7美元,至747美元,而原油价格继续下滑,跌逾1美元,至56美元每桶下方跟随亚洲股市今早的下跌趋势。

    Commodities – Gold rose slightly this morning , up $ 7 to $ 747 , while crude continues to give way , slumping $ 1 to below $ 56 / bbl – following Asian stock market slide this morning .

  29. 这意味着沙特要想把出口恢复到2005年左右的全盛水平,就必须要扭转几年以来的下跌趋势,创造新的产量纪录。

    That means the Saudis will have reverse years of decline and , indeed , set new production records just to bring their exports back to levels regularly seen during the good old days of the middle of the past decade .

  30. 假如你在做交易前应用所有的规则,在上涨或下跌趋势改变中等待明确的进场机会,并用“止损单”进行保护,那么你将会用较小的风险获得巨大的利润。

    You can make large profits on small risks provided you use a STOP LOSS order , and apply all the rules and wait for a definite indication of a change in trend up or down before you make a trade .