
qǐ yuán zhōnɡ xīn
  • origin center
  1. 但多样性中心并不一定就是起源中心。

    But diversity center may not be origin center .

  2. 我国是荞麦的起源中心,栽培荞麦和野生荞麦资源十分丰富。

    China is the origin center of buckwheat , where have extremely abundant germplasm resources .

  3. 中国是世界荞麦的起源中心,也是遗传多样性中心。

    China is the world center of buckwheat-origin and genetic diversity .

  4. 论茶树原产地和起源中心

    Discussion on the Originating Place and the Originating Center of Tea Plant

  5. 四川盆地是芥菜的次生起源中心。

    Sichuan is the secondary original center of mustard .

  6. 华夏植物群起源中心的研究

    The Center of Origin of the Cathaysia Flora

  7. 美洲是南瓜起源中心,因此,具有丰富的遗传多样性。

    The Americas are the center of origin of C. moschata and therefore more diverse .

  8. 栽培植物起源中心说

    Theory of centres of cultivated plant origin

  9. 中国是梨属植物的起源中心和多样性中心,梨种质资源丰富。

    China is the origin and diversity center of genus Pyrus with abundant germplasm resources .

  10. 食管癌肉瘤有两个起源中心,肉瘤成份一般为纤维肉瘤。

    Esophageal carcinosarcoma has two original centers , carcinoma and sarcoma are usually made by fibrosarcoma .

  11. 中国横断山区是其现代分布中心和强烈的分化中心,也可能是其起源中心。

    The Hengduan Mountain region of China is the present distribution centre and probable origin centre of Isodon .

  12. 分析认为,中国是许多十字花科植物进化起源中心和生物多样性中心,生态环境类型复杂;

    Complicated in ecological conditions , China is the centre of evolutionary origin and biodiversity of many crucifer species .

  13. 作者同样援引对藤壶植物的四卷论述(1851-54),带我们走进了物种起源中心问题的探索;

    The four-volume treatise on barnacles ( 1851-54 ), is used to investigate the central question of how species originate .

  14. 中国是世界栽培杏的原生起源中心之一,其拥有的杏种质资源十分丰富。

    China is one of primary center of apricot domestication in the world , owning very abundant germplasm resources of apricot .

  15. 新疆是杏树的起源中心之一,经长期培育形成了一些优良品种。

    Xinjiang province is one of the centre of origin of Apricot , the quality variety was cultivated after long time .

  16. 他认为,每个物种都仅有各自的一个起源中心,他称为创造的单一中心。

    He believed that each species had only one center of origin which he called " single center of creation " .

  17. 研究认为,印度和亚洲的碰撞,确立为亚洲的第二起源中心。

    The study also concludes that with the impact of India and Asia , a second center of origin was established for Asia .

  18. 综合分析本研究结果,初步推断云南和贵州等省为普通菜豆次级起源中心&中国中心。

    All the results obtained in the present study confirmed that Yunnan and Guizhou province were secondary origin center of common bean-China center .

  19. 糯玉米是一类特殊的玉米资源,作为起源中心,我国具有丰富的糯玉米种质资源。

    Waxy maize is a special type of maize resources . As the original center , China has plenty of waxy maize germplasm resources .

  20. 研究结果表明宝兴百合种内分化比较剧烈,横断山区可能是该种的起源中心和分化中心。

    As a result , there is high intraspecific differentiation in Lilium duchartrei and we asume that Hengduan Mountain area is its origin and differentiation center .

  21. 我国西南部和南部不仅是山茶属与茶种的现代中心,也是它们的起源中心。

    The southwest and the south of China is the distribution centre of world 's genus and species of camellia as well as the evolution centre of tea trees .

  22. 我国是柑桔的起源中心和遗传变异中心之一,柚的品种资源十分丰富。

    China is one of the centre of origin , inheritance and variation of Citrus . The germplasm resources of pummelo ( Citrus grandis Osbeck ) contains abundant variations .

  23. 在麦类近缘野生植物的起源中心及主要分布区,释放转基因小麦要特别慎重。

    When releasing transgenic wheat , those species that hybridize easily with common wheat could be considered as risky targets in its origin centers or its major distribution areas .

  24. 首次对苹果属植物的地理分布和区系特征进行了全面分析,并分析推断了本属植物多样性中心及起源中心。

    Geographical distribution and flora characteristics were thoroughly studied for the first time . The diversity center and the original center were concluded according to the analysis of flora data .

  25. 另外,在分析苹果属系统演化路线的基础上,赞同中国云南东南部、广西西南部和老挝北部及越南北部地区是苹果属植物起源中心的论断。

    Finally , the systematic evolutional ways were also discussed , South-east Yunnan , South-west Guangxi , North Laos and North Vietnam were regarded as the origin center of this genus .

  26. “生态历史分析法”、“栽培植物起源中心”等原理,对桉树引种实践,也具有重要的实用价值。

    In addition , the principles of " Ecological History Analysis Method " and " Cultural Plant Origin Centre " also possess the important practical value for the eucalyptus introduction practice .

  27. 墨西哥和南美洲的北部被认为是南瓜两个起源中心,最近的考古发现可以追溯到公元前7660年的秘鲁北部的安第斯山脉西坡。

    Mexico and northern South America have been proposed to be independent domestication centers . A more recent archaeological discovery dating from 7660 BC from the western slopes of the northern Peruvian Andes .

  28. 我国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,也是世界上重要的农作物起源中心之一还是多种特有畜、禽、鱼类品种的原产地。

    China is one of countries with richest biodiversity and one of the most important crop birthplaces on the world , which is the original place of many endemic live-stock , poultry and fish .

  29. 按照多样性中心与起源中心的关系,青杨可能起源于我国西北部,逐渐向东扩散,形成现代分布格局。

    According to the relationship between diversity center and origin center of species , it is possible that P. cathayana originated from the northwestern China and then spreaded to the eastern region forming modern distribution region .

  30. 本属为温带地理成份,横断山脉地区是其分布中心和分化中心,但不是起源中心,其起源时间至少可追朔到早白垩世,属温带起源。

    The Hengduan Mountains are regarded as centers of distribution and differentiation , but not origin of the genus . The genus possibly originated in the Early Cretaceous and the origin center of it was possibly boreal in temperate flora .