
  • Lamborghini;Murcielago;Tonino Lamborghini
  1. 加强版的兰博基尼Reventón比前作更贵

    Even more expensive than the previous car , is the Lamborghini Reventon Roadster .

  2. 受到强大的F-22猛禽战斗机的启发,兰博基尼Reventón的发动机有恐怖的6.5升12缸。

    Boasting a 6.5 L V12 engine , this " very limited " Lamborghini Reventon is inspired the mighty F-22 Raptor .

  3. 即便在这儿,兰博基尼的红色迪亚博罗跑车也会招来垂涎的目光。

    Even here a red Lamborghini Diablo sports car attracts covetous stares .

  4. 玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、捷豹(Jaguar)、阿尔法罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)都在开发SUV。

    Maserati , Lamborghini , Jaguar , Alfa Romeo all are developing SUVs .

  5. 请考虑兰博基尼最新款610马力碳纤维双门硬顶跑车——HurácanLP610-4。

    Consider if you please the new Hur á can LP 610-4 , Lamborghini 's 610-horsepower carbon fiber coupe .

  6. 而据公开报道称,兰博基尼的CUV也正在最后完善中。

    A lambo CUV was scrubbed at the last moment , according to published reports .

  7. 如果这个目标达成,那么它将相当于捷豹(Jaguar)、宾利(Bentley)、玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)和劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的销售总量。

    If it succeeds , it would equal the combined volume of Jaguar , Bentley , Maserati , Lamborghini , and Rolls-Royce .

  8. 作为兰博基尼(Lamborghini)和一批豪华游艇品牌在香港的经销商,黄锦培(LeoWong)可谓占尽天时地利。

    As a dealer in Hong Kong for Lamborghini and an array of luxury yacht manufacturers , Leo Wong is in the right place at the right time .

  9. 而就实际生产而言,法拉利、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、保时捷(Porsche)、奥迪(Audi)和宾利(Bentley)这些大牌无一推出过1000匹马力的合法跑车。

    On the production side , none of the likes of Ferrari , Lamborghini , Porsche , Audi or Bentley are putting 1,000 legal horses to the ground .

  10. 这款车的轮廓有点像法拉利458的气质,车门则有迈凯轮P1的味道,而车后部位则借鉴了兰博基尼埃文塔多。

    The Aurelio 's profile nips at the handsomecontours of the Ferrari 458 Italia , the doors have an air of McLaren P1 , and the rear end picks up some cues from theLamborghini Aventador .

  11. 早饭后,员工们就从斯德哥尔摩总部出发,先乘坐豪华轿车、然后换乘私人飞机、最后登上一长溜法拉利(Ferrari)和兰博基尼(Lamborghini)超跑,来到了蒙特卡洛。

    After breakfast at its Stockholm headquarters , employees were whisk & # 173 ; ed off in limousines , private jets and a fleet of Ferrari and Lamborghini super cars to Monte Carlo .

  12. 根据兰博基尼的记录,1879年8月这头斗牛在Alicante战斗时,展示出永不屈服的性格并始终保持昂扬斗志,因而成为斗牛历史上的一个传奇。

    He fought in Alicante in August 1879 and according to Lamborghini records showed unrelenting character while remaining defiant and invincible , thus entering into the legend of fighting bulls ' history .

  13. 根据兰博基尼的记录,1879年8月这头斗牛在Alicante战斗时,展示出“永不屈服的性格”并始终保持昂扬斗志,因而成为斗牛历史上的一个传奇。

    He fought in Alicante in August 1879 and according to Lamborghini records showed " unrelenting character " while remaining defiant and invincible , thus entering into the legend of fighting bulls " history .

  14. 大众旗下品牌还包括奥迪(Audi)、保时捷(Porshe)和兰博基尼(Lamborghini)。在声明中,大众称“将继续与美国国家环境保护局(EPA)合作,制定补救措施”,让旗下柴油车“尽快完全符合规定”。

    In a statement , Volkswagen , which includes the brands Audi , Porsche and Lamborghini , said it " will continue to work cooperatively with the E.P.A. on developing remedies " to bring its diesel vehicles " into full compliance with regulations as soon as possible . " The company also said it was working

  15. 兰博基尼高跟鞋,很酷吧,可惜仅仅是个设计。

    Unfortunately , these Lamborghini Gallardo shoes are just a concept .

  16. 现在看来他们正在夺走兰博基尼的灵魂。

    And now they seems to be taking away its soul .

  17. 他同时拥有兰博基尼、宾利和路虎揽胜品牌的汽车。

    He also owns a Lamborghini , Bentley , and Range Rover .

  18. 兰博基尼将其周边商品划分为三个细分市场。

    Lamborghini divides its merchandise products into three segments .

  19. 他帮我找一辆兰博基尼。

    He 's been looking for a lambo for .

  20. 这名男子接近的7名女子中共有5人坐进了兰博基尼。

    In all , five of seven women the man approached got into the Lamborghini .

  21. 不那么喜欢通常与兰博基尼汽车联系在一起的傲慢、自信和野兽般的形象?

    Not necessarily into the brash , bullish , brute image generally associated with Lamborghinis ?

  22. 开始时,看到其他车辆在低洼水坑处徘徊,这辆低底盘的兰博基尼也在犹豫。

    The low-slung vehicle hesitantly approaches the large puddle , seeing other vehicles struggling through it .

  23. 这些产品在使用兰博基尼品牌商标时更为谨慎,定价也更高。

    These are even more discreet in their use of Lamborghini brand cues , and higher priced .

  24. 这辆兰博基尼怪兽依然很罕见,全球只有20辆。

    This Lamborghini monster too is a very limited car with only 20 units to be produced .

  25. 这意味着兰博基尼概念赛车和方程式赛车将以最华丽的姿态冲出起跑线。

    This means that the LMP and formula cars should break out of the gate in spectacular fashion .

  26. 我完全能理解兰博基尼纪念版跑车主人作出这样的要求。

    I can totally understand the owner of a Lamborghini Countach Anniversary edition , to make such a request .

  27. 为免各位传统派人士提出疑问,特意说明一下,这款兰博基尼汽车同样以一头著名的斗牛的名字命名。

    And lest you traditionalists wonder , this Lamborghini , too , is named after a famous fighting bull .

  28. 黄种的模特小妞黄色的酒瓶小酌黄色的兰博基尼黄色的上衣掉了耶耶

    Yellow model chick , yellow bottle sipping , yellow Lamborghini , yellow top missing , yeah , yeah .

  29. 兰博基尼曾经就离合器的问题投诉过法拉利,法拉利回答说:“这不是车子的问题,而是司机的问题!”更多实用有趣节目搜索微博微信:早安英文

    Ferrari answers with " the problem isn 't with the car , the problem is with the driver ! "

  30. 这相比去年秋天由兰博基尼飓风LP640-4创下的6:52.01记录是一个显著提升。

    That 's a substantial improvement over the 6: 52.01 set by the Lamborghini Hurac á n LP640-4 Performante last fall .