
bàn xiàn
  • satellite line
伴线[bàn xiàn]
  1. 伴线从这些点的位移永远沿着C轴的方向。

    And the displacement of the satellites from these points is always in the direction of the c-axis .

  2. 高离化类Ne铕离子的双电子伴线结构的理论研究

    Theoretical study on dielectronic satellites to the highly charged Ne-like Eu resonance lines

  3. 二氧化铈的XPS伴线研究

    Study of XPS satellites in ceo_2

  4. 温度10K时光致发光谱(PL)观察到自由激子、束缚激子发射及它们的声子伴线。

    Free exciton and binding exciton emission accompanied by their LO phonons could be observed from the photoluminescence spectrum at 10 K.

  5. 在四靶串接X光激光实验中,用时间分辨晶体谱仪记录了类Ne锗共振线及其类Na伴线的时间扫描特性。

    In the experiment of X-ray laser with four-target series coupling , a time-resolved crystal spectrograph was used to record the resonant spectral lines of Ne - like Ge ions and their satellites .

  6. 利用多组态Dirac-Fock方法计算了类氦镁离子的双电子复合截面.分析了类氦镁离子的高n双电子伴线结构及其对类氦镁离子Kα共振线的影响。

    Based on the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method , theoretical calculations have been made for the dielectronic recombination cross-sections and the high-n dielectronic satellites to K_ α resonance line in helium-like magnesium ions .

  7. GaP1-xNx混晶的PL谱从低组分的NN对束缚激子及其声子伴线到高组分杂质带发光的特征,表现出明显的带隙降低的趋势。

    The GaP_ ( 1-x ) N_x alloys display obvious band-gap reduction characteristic , with the PL spectra developing from nitrogen bound excitons and their phonon replicas under low x composition to impurity band emission under high x composition .

  8. 根据变温光谱结果,我们提出室温下的紫外发射的低能带尾是来自自由激子的一阶声子(1-LO)伴线生物质的发热量低,在燃烧过程中放热很集中;

    We think that the low energy tail emission results from the 1-LO phonon replica of the free exciton in terms of the photoluminescence spectra measured at various temperatures .

  9. 伴线强度比诊断激光等离子体温度

    Laser plasma temperature measurement with intensity ratio between satellite lines

  10. 此外,本文对这些元素的类钠伴线结构也进行了分析和归类。

    In addition , we also analysed and classified the soft X-ray spectra of Na-like isoeleetronic sequences of these elements .

  11. 伴放线放线杆菌DNA作为口腔疫苗佐剂的实验研究

    The Experiment Study of A.a DNA as Adjuvant of the Oral Vaccine

  12. 将菌株按属归类,伴放线嗜血杆菌的两株LPS鲎活性当量最高,平均为5.0190;

    Classifying their species according to genera , the average limulus lysate activity equivalent of H.act LPS ( 5.0190 ) appears to be the hightest ;

  13. 结果:优势菌群为:牙龈紫质单胞菌、产黑色素类杆菌、齿垢密螺旋体、伴放线放线杆菌。

    RESULTS : The dominant bacteria were gingival purple plasma unicellular bacteria , melaninogenicus , material alba spirochete and actinomyces .

  14. 伴放线放线杆菌在慢性牙周炎和侵袭性牙周炎患者龈下菌斑及颊粘膜的分布研究

    The Occurrence of Actinobacillus Actinomycetem - comitans in Buccal Mucosa and Subgingival Plaque from the Chronic and Aggressive Periodontitis Patients

  15. 通过小鼠处死后新鲜皮肤直接铺片的方法,发现了伴行循经脉线血管干的一种透明通道。

    A kind of transparent channel accompanying the blood vessel along meridian line was observed .