
  1. 江苏大学图书馆科技信息研究所;

    Institute of Science and Technology Information of Jiangsu University ;

  2. 论图书馆科学管理的五大要素&兼谈江苏大学图书馆的科学管理实践

    On Five Elements of the Scientific Management of the Library & On the Practice of Scientific Management of JiangSu University Library

  3. 论文从江苏大学图书馆的实践出发,分析了高校图书馆文献资源建设的合理定位、发展策略及采集策略,探讨了高校图书馆文献资源建设的发展方向和总体思路。

    Embarking from the practice of Jiangsu University Library , this paper analyses the reasonable localization , the development strategy and the acquisition strategy . It probes into the development direction and the overall thought of literature resource construction of university libraries .