
  • 网络Chiang Wen-Yeh
  1. 江文也,中国近现代音乐史上的特殊音乐家。

    Chang Wen Yeah is a special musician in Chinese modern musical history .

  2. 第三部分音乐美学观在江文也钢琴作品中的体现简要从音乐美学的角度阐述了他的钢琴作品风格。

    The third part " reflection of the value of the musical aesthetics in Jiang 's works ", briefly interpreted the style of his piano works .

  3. 两部作品均是在江文也初到北京时创作的,该阶段也属于江文也人生和思想的转型时期。

    Such two pieces of works were created when Chang Wen Yeah first arrived in Beijing . In such a stage , his life and thoughts transformed .

  4. 本文运用了调查、访问、文献等方法,对中日传统音乐在江文也钢琴音乐创作中的运用、民族化风格问题进行研究。

    This thesis studies , from a perspective of traditional music , the nationalization style in Jiang 's pianistic creation by the application of such methods as survey , interview and documentation .

  5. 第一部分江文也的生平与音乐创作回顾了江文也教授的一生,简略阐述了他的音乐创作风格以及他在中国近现代音乐史上的地位。

    The first part " Jiang 's life and his musical creation ", reflected Professor Jiang 's life , briefly interpreted his style and musical creation and his position in modern musical history of China .

  6. 第四部分江文也钢琴作品的历史贡献及意义简要论述了江文也的钢琴音乐创作的史学价值和现实意义及其在我国钢琴音乐发展史上的地位。

    The fourth part " Historical Contribution and significance of Jiang 's piano works ", briefly discussed the historical and realistic values of piano musical creation of Professor Jiang and his position in the piano musical history of China .