  • turtledove
  • 鸟,鸠鸽科部分种类的统称:~形鹄面(形容人因饥饿而很瘦的样子)。~杖(古代头上刻有鸠形之杖,年始七十者,由政府授给)。

  • 聚集:~合(亦作“纠合”)。~集(亦作“纠集”)。


(斑鸠、雉鸠等的统称) turtledove:

  • 绿鸠

    green pigeon

  1. 田鸠再次回到秦国,以楚国使者的身份很快就见到了秦惠王。

    With the new status , he met the king of Qin very soon .

  2. 有人把这件事情告诉了楚王,楚王于是召见了田鸠。

    Someone told this to the king of the state of Chu , and the king of Chu called in him .

  3. 蒙鸠的窝做得并不是不好,发生灾难的原因是因为它用来系窝的芦苇太不结实。

    Disaster happens not because the nest Meng Jiu makes is not fast enough , but the reed that the nest is fastened to is too weak .

  4. 楚王对田鸠的才识很欣赏,于是派田鸠做楚国的使者出使秦国。

    The king of Chu thought very highly1 of Tian Jiu 's talents , and he appointed2 Tian jiu as the emissary to the state of Qin .

  5. 墨家的田鸠想向秦惠王阐述自己的治国方略,在秦国呆了三年,一直没有见到秦惠王的机会。

    Tian jiu , a Mohist , wanted to express his general plan for governing the country to King Hui of the state of Qin . He had stayed in state Qin for three years , but had not gotten an opportunity to meet the king .

  6. 因此即使罗密欧不姓蒙特鸠,我还是一样会爱他。

    I would love Romeo if his name were not Montague .

  7. 巴瑟萨上前把一封信交给了蒙特鸠大人。

    Balthasar stepped forward and handed a letter to Lord Montague .

  8. 卡布利特和蒙特鸠,看看你们所造成的悲剧。

    Capulet and montague , look at what you have caused .

  9. 你是蒙特鸠家族的罗密欧,不是吗?

    You are Romeo of the Montague family , are you not ?

  10. 气愤以鸠拙匹里劈脸,以悔怨告终。

    Anger begins with folly , and ends in repentance .

  11. 卡布利特与蒙特鸠夫妇都来了。

    The Lord and Lady of both the Capulets and Montagues arrived .

  12. 今天我继续学习鸠与鸽的第二部分。

    I continue to learn doves and pigeons today .

  13. 具有爱的蒙昧和鸠拙压服缺少爱的智慧和技法。

    Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love .

  14. 你会瞅见的是一只鸠拙,傻的可爱,不成熟的大拉拉。

    They remain clumsy , hard-headed , goofy and immature for a long time .

  15. “鸠杖”又名“王杖”,后者应是汉代官方对“鸠杖”的统一称呼。

    The latter was the officially-unified name for turtle-dove-ended sticks in the Han Dynasty .

  16. 她的蓝灰色的衣裙冒失地卷在腰间,塞在背后如同鸠尾。

    Her slate-blue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her .

  17. 罗密欧,我亲爱的罗密欧,你为何偏偏是蒙特鸠家族的人呢?

    Romeo , my sweet Romeo , why do you have to be a Montague ?

  18. 第二点,这些卷宗是由真正的古代鸠打印的。

    Second , these volumes were printed by an Ixian dictatel of truly ancient make .

  19. 一只蒙鸠,四只百灵。

    Four Larks and a Wren .

  20. 还有伊鸠派哲人和斯多格派哲人,也是非常有名的哲学流派。

    The Epicurean philosophers , the Stoic philosophers , again , are very famous schools of philosophy .

  21. 玻璃离子粘结银汞合金充填无鸠尾Ⅱ类洞的临床研究

    The Clinical Study of Class ⅱ Cavity without Dove-tail Restored by Amalgam Bonded with the Glass Ionomer Cement

  22. 他是维洛那城最有权势的家族之一??蒙特鸠家族大家长的儿子。

    He was the son of the head of the Montagues , one of Verona 's most powerful families .

  23. 原来是卡布利特家族和他自己的蒙特鸠家族的仆人之间发生了争斗。

    There was a fight between the servants of the Capulets and those of his own family , the montagues .

  24. 还短一只四足的猎物,阿龙纳斯先生。尼德·兰回答,所有这些鸽子、山鸠都不过是零食和小吃。

    Game with four paws , Professor Aronnax , Ned Land replied . All these pigeons are only appetizers , snacks .

  25. 目的:对采用鸠尾配合适当针道、沟槽的牙体预备方法修复磨牙大面积缺损的临床效果进行评价。

    PURPOSE : This study evaluated the clinical effectiveness of Co-Cr alloy inlays / onlays in the restorations of posterior teeth with large defects .

  26. 日本生活保护法第4条对修改中国《城市居民最低生活保障条例》的启示&对加藤案件和中鸠案件的探讨

    Case Law relating to Article 4 of Japanese Living Security Act and Their Revelation for China An Analysis Of Chinese Lowest Lever Life Ensure Institution

  27. 目的:通过蝶形洞预备加颊舌(腭)固位沟修复Ⅱ类洞和常规(牙合)面扩展形成鸠尾固位修复Ⅱ类洞的比较,观察其临床效果。

    PURPOSE : To observe the clinical effects of class ⅱ cavity restoration by using saucer shaped cavity and retentive grooves and dovetail retentive cavity .

  28. 露丝和我骑着十变速自行车到处逛&周游小镇,环游湖泊,深入山中,远及希拉鸠司然后再翻转回来。

    Ruth and I rode our ten-speeds everywhere & around town , around the lake , into the hills , and over to Syracuse and back .

  29. 目的比较玻璃离子粘结银汞合金充填与复合树脂充填无鸠尾Ⅱ类洞的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the different effect between the amalgam bonded with the glass ionomer cement and composite resin on restoring class ⅱ cavities without dove tail .

  30. 路2:24又要照主的律法上所说、或用一对班鸠、或用两只雏鸽献祭。

    And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord , A pair of turtledoves , or two young pigeons .