
  • 网络Miyuki Hatoyama
  1. 鸠山幸(MiyukiHatoyama)在她的丈夫于2009年出任首相的前一年,出版了一本引发大众关注的书。在书中,她描述了自己被外星人绑架的经历。

    Miyuki Hatoyama drew notice with a book published the year before her husband took office in 2009 , describing her abduction by aliens .

  2. 在韩国总统李明博和日本首相鸠山由纪夫举办谈判的会场之外,李明博的夫人金润玉则邀请(日本首相夫人)鸠山幸前往了韩国的一祖传统饮食研讨所。

    On the sidelines of the meeting between President Lee Myung-Bak and Japan 's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama , Lee 's wife Kim Yun-Ok invited Miyuki Hatoyama to a Korean traditional cuisine institute .

  3. 鸠山幸回答说:“我想体会一下赤手做泡菜的感觉。”据悉鸠山幸对韩国文化颇感兴趣。

    " I wanted to experience making kimchi with bare hands ," responded Miyuki , who is known for her love of Korean culture .

  4. 鸠山幸称,她和鸠山在家从不谈论政治,但在一天劳碌的竞选活动之后,她会为丈夫按摩脚。

    Miyuki said the couple never discussed politics at home and that , instead , she gave him foot rubs after a hard day 's campaigning .

  5. 据日本一家报纸本周一报道,据日本下任首相夫人鸠山幸透露,鸠山由纪夫爱洗碗、爱看动物电影,还有个秘密的爱好&爱吃虾片。

    Japan 's next prime minister , Yukio Hatoyama , likes to wash dishes , enjoys animal movies and is secretly addicted to shrimp crackers , according to his wife Miyuki , a newspaper said on Monday .