- 名member state of the United Nations

ZWW Chinese and foreign net , And United Nations member states peacekeeping police , Build ZAOM Alliance .
States members of the United Nations that are members of the group of77 and china ;
Other countries can be admitted by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of Security Council .
Member Countries have set targets and developed specific strategies to reduce child mortality and monitor progress .
Why , they say , should they give up their right to UN membership to spare the EU 's blushes ?
The Republic of Nauru Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .
Israelis , such as Jerusalem resident Haim Ben-Ami , reacted to Abbas 's statehood proposal with a mix of hope and concern .
Second , fao 's efforts fit into a larger plan of action that members of the United Nations have adopted for dealing with global warming .
The Security Council shall lay down such conditions as it deems just for the participation of a state which is not a Member of the United Nations .
Such decisions shall be carried out by the Members of the United Nations directly and through their action in the appropriate international agencies of which they are members .
Although the international community formulated lots of conventions and protocols because of focus on the regional acts of terrorism , the UN member states ' proportion of accession is very low .
On September16th Mahmoud Abbas , the Palestinian leader , reiterated his determination to go directly to the Security Council to bid for full UN membership , knowing that theUnited Stateswould veto it .
The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations .
The General Assembly shall consist of all the Members of the United Nations .
The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed that he 'll ask for full membership of the United Nations next week .
The vast riches of the seas and the sea-beds of the world are now the subject of active concern to the United Nations and its menmber states .
Because of this , micro-states as members of the United Nations , their rights will be restricted , and there are so many difficulties needed to deal with when they complete members ' obligations .
CSS , expected to be launched by 2019 , and complete and brought into operation by 2022 , will be the world 's first space station that is developed by a developing country and open for cooperation with all UN member states .
The staff of the Secretariat must reflect the whole membership of the un , so that it will be responsive to the diverse political , social and cultural systems in the world and so that all Member States will have confidence in it .
China is a founding member of the United Nations .
The Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of the192 UN Member Countries regularly discuss the measures proposed at global and national level .
I call on all combatants everywhere to respect the Olympic Truce , which has been adopted by all 193 United Nations Member States .
We highly appreciate the right position adopted by the United Nations and the vast number of Member States in abiding by the one-China principle .
The scale of assessment involves the interests of all UN member states and constitutes the financial foundation of the Organization .
I call on all those engaged in hostilities to respect the truce - which has been endorsedby all 193 UN member states .
The US had been hoping for a quick exemption , to divert attention away from the Palestinian bid to win statehood at the UN , and would force Washington to veto the effort .