
  • 网络connecting flight
  1. 由于移民局方面令人讨厌的繁琐公事程序,我误了联程航班。

    Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight .

  2. 在洛杉矶您需要转乘中转联程航班到纽约。

    In Los Angeles you need to take a connecting flight to New York .

  3. 申请G字签证,须持有前往国家(地区)的有效签证和联程客票;

    Applies for the G character visa , must have goes to the country ( area ) the effective visa and the joint regulation passenger ticket ;

  4. 东航中转联程营销策略研究

    The Research of China Eastern Airlines for Marketing Strategy of Transfer Service

  5. 先生,您想订一张去洛杉矶的联程航班对吗?

    You 'll make one stopover during your trip to Los Angeles , sir .

  6. 对不起,没有,但是我可以给您安排一个联程航班。

    Sorry , no , but I am pleased to arrange a connection flight for you .

  7. 没有上海直飞西雅图的航班,但是有联程航班。

    We haven 't any direct flights to Seattle from here , but we can arrange a connection .

  8. 但他最后决定改签周日更为便宜的中转联程航班,在德国法兰克福转机。

    But the athlete ultimately decided to take another , cheaper flight with a layover in Frankfurt , Germany , on Sunday .

  9. 他说她可能误了那班飞机。我有联程的航班,如果不准时乘机,联程航班就误机了。

    He has spoken he will come tomorrow . I have a connecting flight , if we cannot get the flight on time , it will be missed .