
  • 网络air china;china airline;CNAC
  1. 冰岛火山再次剧烈喷发,中国航空推迟欧洲航班。

    Air China delays flights to Europe due to new volcano eruption .

  2. 喂,你好,中国航空公司订票处,需要帮忙吗?

    Hello , Air China Flight Reservations . May I help you ? `

  3. 加入WTO对中国航空货物运输的影响分析

    Influence of China 's Accession to WTO on Air Cargo

  4. 建立中国航空BSP系统

    To Establish BSP System of Aviation of China

  5. 仅有的另一家加入航空联盟的中国航空公司是中国南方航空(ChinaSouthernAirlinesCo.),它是天合联盟(SkyTeam)的成员。

    The only other Chinese carrier enrolled in an alliance is SkyTeam member China Southern Airlines Co. , based in the southern city of Guangzhou .

  6. 新华社表示,设计制造AG600的中国航空工业集团公司(AviationIndustryCorporationofChina)迄今已取得17架意向订单。新华社指出,AG600在海洋资源开发和勘探方面将会非常有用。

    State-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China , which designed and produced the seaplane , had 17 orders so far , Xinhua added , noting that the aircraft would be " very useful in developing and exploiting marine resources . "

  7. Holt-Winters方法与ARIMA模型在中国航空旅客运输量预测中的比较研究

    Comparison of Holt-Winters and ARIMA Methods for Forecasting Charge of China Airline Passengers

  8. 通用电气驻中国航空业务总裁迈克•威尔金(MikeWilking)说,这已足以令我们兴奋了。

    ' That was enough to get us excited , 'says Mike Wilking , president of GE 's aviation business in China .

  9. 通过和其他航空网络比较,如世界航空网(ANW),中国航空网(ANC)等,可以得到航空网络都具有小世界性质。

    Comparing with other airport networks , such as airport network of WWW ( ANW ), China ( ANC ) .

  10. 思嘉伯集团还与国有的中国航空工业集团公司(AVIC)成立了一家合资企业,为西班牙零售商Cortefiel在中国运营着50多家店。

    Scarborough also has a joint venture with the state-owned Avic group , which operates more than 50 shops in China for Spanish retailer Cortefiel .

  11. 围绕Avolon的竞购战已经结束,中国航空和航运公司海航集团(HNAGroup)旗下的渤海租赁(BohaiLeasing)将这家总部位于都柏林的飞机租赁公司纳入囊中。这笔交易对Avolon的股本估值达到略高于25亿美元。

    The bidding battle for Avolon has ended with Bohai Leasing , a unit of the Chinese aviation and shipping company HNA , snapping up the Dublin-based aircraft leasing company in a deal valuing its equity at just over $ 2.5bn .

  12. 总部位于新泽西州莫里斯敦(Morristown)的霍尼韦尔去年与几家中国航空公司签署了五项协议,其中一项是研发通用航空驾驶舱。

    Honeywell , based in Morristown , N.J. , reached five agreements last year with Chinese aerospace companies , including one for the development of a general-aviation cockpit .

  13. 但中国航空技术进出口总公司(CATIC)航空产品发展部部长李培表示,预计俄罗斯方面将在今年底或明年1月份,批准中国向巴基斯坦销售俄罗斯发动机。

    However , Li Pei , head of development of the Xiaolong at China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corp ( CATIC ), said Moscow was now expected to approve the sale to Pakistan by the end of 2006 or in January next year .

  14. 新环境下的中国航空货运竞争格局

    New Competition Situation of Chinese Air Cargos in the New Environment

  15. 反事实研究:放松规制与中国航空网络演变

    Counterfactual Analysis : Deregulation and Changes of Aviation Network in China

  16. 中国航空煤油市场2006年回顾及2007年展望

    China 's jet fuel market in 2006 and prospects for 2007

  17. 2005年中国航空法热点综述

    Summary of Hot Spots in Relation to China Aviation Legislation in 2005

  18. 中国航空货运企业物流发展战略

    Strategy of air logistics development for China air transportation enterprise

  19. 在监管层的驱策之下,中国航空业的整合也正在成为现实。

    After some regulatory urging , consolidation is also becoming a reality .

  20. 采用新机制选好突破口&中国航空工业突围21世纪之我见

    Talking about Developing China Aviation Industry in the 21st Century

  21. 中国航空集团公司产品及竞争策略研究

    Research of Product & Competition Strategy of China Aviation Group

  22. 浅析目前中国航空公司收益管理面临的问题及对策

    Analysis of China 's Air-cargo Revenue Management Problems and Solutions

  23. 去年,中国航空业帮了国泰航空两个大忙。

    Last year the Chinese aviation industry did Cathay two big favours .

  24. 中国航空煤油市场现状分析与趋势预测

    Current situation analysis and trend forecast of China 's aviation kerosene market

  25. 中国航空油料重庆分公司;

    Chongqing Branch of China Aviation Fuel Com ; 4 .

  26. 中国航空公司可利用的飞机融资方式

    Aircraft Financing Approaches for the Use of Chinese Airlines

  27. 为中国航空工业腾飞做贡献

    Make Contribution to Soar of China s Aviation Industry

  28. 新世纪的中国航空热加工技术展望

    Prospects for Aeronautical Special Process in the Next Century

  29. 中国航空快递产品市场面分析

    Analysis of the Market Range for the Domestic Air Express Service of China

  30. 中国航空工业规划设计研究院深圳院

    Shenzhen incorporation of China Aeronautical Project & Design Institute