
  • 网络hatoyama;yukio;Yukio Hatoyama
  1. (笑声)我要感谢鸠山(Hatoyama)首相,昨天的晚宴上有更多的冰淇淋,与我一起分享了过去的一些回忆。

    ( Laughter . ) And I want to thank Prime Minister Hatoyama for sharing some of those memories with more ice cream last night at dinner .

  2. 然而,东京筑波大学(UniversityofTsukuba)国际政治经济学教授塔R•塔格特•墨菲(RTaggartMurphy)认为,鸠山想要的比这多得多:他想收回日本1945年后成为美国事实上的“保护国”时所丧失的主权。

    However , according to R Taggart Murphy , professor of international political economy at Tokyo 's Tsukuba university , Hatoyama was attempting much more than that : he wanted to regain the sovereignty that Japan had lost when it became a virtual " protectorate " of the US after 1945 .

  3. 鸠山在文中表示,全球经济已损害了传统经济活动,而市场原教旨主义已经摧毁了当地社区。文中提到自民党前首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)私有化日本邮局的决定。

    In his essay , Mr Hatoyama said the global economy had damaged traditional economic activities while market fundamentalism had destroyed local communities , citing the decision by Junichiro Koizumi , former LDP prime minister , to privatise Japan 's post office .

  4. 鸠山来留夫的“第一夫人”目前还在怀孕。

    Right now , the first lady of Kuruo Hatoyama is pregnant .

  5. 本周日本首相再度易人,鸠山下台,菅直人上台。

    The prime minister of japan changed again this week .

  6. 鸠山对这一混乱的局面负有很大的责任。

    Much of the responsibility for the mess belongs with Mr Hatoyama .

  7. 他们以鸠山为中心形成强大的反吉田派。

    They formed strong anti-Yoshida factions centered on Hatoyama .

  8. 鸠山似乎肯定会投出至少一个好球。

    Mr Hatoyama does seem sure to make at least one good pitch .

  9. 然而,当翌年4月鸠山访问华盛顿时,他遭遇了冷遇。

    Yet when Hatoyama went to Washington the following April , he was shunned .

  10. 日报、晚报、星期日报.鸠山内阁时期中日、苏日关系比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Sino-Japanese Relations and Russo-Japanese Relations in the Period of Hatoyama Cabinet

  11. 三丽鸥公司常务鸠山玲人将担任电影监制。

    The company 's managing director Rehito Hatoyama will oversee the Hello Kitty film project .

  12. 就连他的一些盟友也表示,一旦鸠山没能做到,就应该辞职。

    Even some allies have suggested that , should Mr Hatoyama fail , he should resign .

  13. 鸠山政府的早期政策,证实了人们的感觉:即某些事情正在酝酿之中。

    The early policies of the Hatoyama government have confirmed the impression that something is afoot .

  14. 鸠山强调,有必要改善福利,增加儿童抚养费,以及加大财富再分配的力度。

    Mr Hatoyama highlighted the need for better welfare , more child support and wealth redistribution .

  15. 就鸠山来说,作者认为他是被华盛顿搞下台的。

    In the case of Hatoyama , the author contends that he was brought down by Washington .

  16. 第一,小泽一郎扮演的角色使人不安,他是一个斯文加利式人物,在鸠山背后虎视眈眈。

    The first is the role of Ichiro Ozawa , the Svengali-like figure who stood mischievously behind Mr Hatoyama .

  17. 鸠山表示,东京与美国的关系将是其政府政策的“主要支柱”。

    Mr. Hatoyama said Tokyo 's relationship with the United States will be a " key pillar " of his policies .

  18. 跟鸠山的观点相像,墨菲建议日本自己担负国防责任,并寻求与中国取得新的和解。

    Rather like Hatoyama , he recommends Japan taking responsibility for its own defence and seeking a new accommodation with China .

  19. 但鸠山首相却将此问题提交给议会,而议员们都只在意自己的选区。

    Instead , Mr Hatoyama has passed the matter to the Diet , where members will look out for their own districts .

  20. 许多当地居民对美军基地心存厌恶,因此他们欢迎鸠山为冲绳岛减负的承诺。

    Many locals resent the American bases , so they welcomed Mr hatoyama 's pledge to reduce the burden on the island .

  21. 虽然美国外交官可能曾密谋对付鸠山,但把他的下台完全归咎于华盛顿有点太过了。

    But while US diplomats may have schemed against him , to lay his demise squarely at Washington 's door is too much .

  22. 鸠山已表示,此次会晤的目的,是与奥巴马建立“信任关系”。

    Mr Hatoyama has said the goal of the meeting will be to build a " relationship of trust " with Mr Obama .

  23. 表面上的原因是,鸠山拒绝履行冲绳美国海军基地新建协议,触怒了华盛顿。

    The ostensible reason was that Hatoyama had displeased Washington by reneging on a deal to build a new US Marine base on Okinawa .

  24. 在与鸠山首相举行的联合发布会上,有记者问奥巴马总统,在作出决定之前还需要哪些可能的信息。

    At a news conference with Prime Minister Hatoyama , he was asked what more information he might conceivably need before making a decision .

  25. 该计划也很可能面临来自鸠山执政伙伴的批评,他们呼吁在这一问题上达到共识。

    The plan is also likely to face criticism from Hatoyama 's coalition partners , who have called for more consensus on the issue .

  26. 鸠山把东亚共同体定位为在亚洲与美国和欧盟并驾齐驱的世界第三极。

    Hatoyama locates the East Asian community for the world which keeps pace with in Asia and the US and European Union third extremely .

  27. 然而,对友爱之情的崇高诉求,并不足以让鸠山顺利完成本周一系列颇具挑战性的讲话和会晤。

    Yet lofty appeals to fraternal feelings will hardly be enough to carry Mr Hatoyama through a challenging series of speeches and meetings this week .

  28. 鸠山幸称,她和鸠山在家从不谈论政治,但在一天劳碌的竞选活动之后,她会为丈夫按摩脚。

    Miyuki said the couple never discussed politics at home and that , instead , she gave him foot rubs after a hard day 's campaigning .

  29. 与鸠山一样,小泽一郎也深陷竞选资金丑闻,这些丑闻散发出的恶臭跟自民党的有得一拼。

    Like Mr Hatoyama , Mr Ozawa has been caught up in campaign-funding scandals that have reeked as badly as they ever did under the LDP .

  30. 然而,多数的分析视角都是从日美同盟这一角度进行的,日本地方自治对鸠山的打击几乎无人问晓。

    However , most of the analyses are carried out at the view of the Japan-US alliance instead of the influences of Japan Local Autonomy on Hatoyama .