
  • 网络Continental expansion;continental spreading
  1. 中国及邻区中新生代造山作用有3种类型,大陆扩张盆地造山作用、大洋扩张盆地造山作用和大洋-大陆扩张盆地复合造山作用。

    The Meso-Cenozoic orogeny of China and adjacent regions can be divided into three kinds : orogeny of continental spreading basin , orogeny of oceanic spreading basin and composite orogeny of oceanic-continental basin .

  2. Naspers公司持有腾讯46.5%的股份,成为南非与中国公司联手在非洲大陆扩张的最引人注目的一个例子。

    Naspers holds a 46.5 per cent stake in Tencent , making it one of the highest profile examples of South African and Chinese companies joining forces to expand across the continent .

  3. 地幔柱上隆促使大陆扩张,及至形成北祁连山元古宙末-寒武纪大陆裂谷。

    The mantle plume upwelling may promote the continental extention , then the Late-Proterozoic-Cambrian continental rift in Northern Qilian mountains was formed .

  4. 时值美国向大陆扩张之际北方和南方争夺每一块新获得的土地,新的州实行奴隶制还是自由制?

    As America expands across the continent , North and south face off over each new territory . Will it be slave-owning or free ?

  5. 昆西·亚当斯的外交思想主要体现在三个方面:以天定命运论为核心的大陆扩张思想;

    The diplomatic thoughts of Quincy Adams can be represented by three aspects : Firstly , the thought of continental expansion emphasized the theory of Manifest Destiny .

  6. 太平洋商业帝国把美国扩张的方向从大西洋转向太平洋,从大陆扩张转向了商业扩张,从北美洲转向了亚洲,用贸易代替了武力。

    This blue print makes American change its expansion direction from the Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean , from continent expansion to commercial expansion , from North American to Asia , and from using violence to doing business .

  7. 太平洋上的探险为扩大太平洋和远东贸易提供了科学的依据;建设太平洋铁路的构想,把大陆扩张与海洋扩张紧密的联系在一起。

    The expenditure in Pacific Ocean provides scientific evidence for doing business in Far East and expanding in Pacific Ocean . The construction of Pacific Railway makes the annexation of expansion in the continent and the ocean possible .

  8. 第二章首先概括分析了19世纪末美国外交政策发生的从大陆扩张到帝国主义扩张的大转折。

    In the first section of chapter two , I analyze the great turn occurred in American foreign policy field in the late 1800s , which is summarized as the turn from the Continental Expansion to the Imperialist Expansion .

  9. 其次,40%的规定使企业无法在台湾上市,以募集在大陆扩张的资金,使希望分享大陆经济增长的台湾投资者只能转投离岸市场。

    Second , the 40 per cent rule has kept companies from listing in Taiwan to raise funds for expansion in China , giving local investors who want to build exposure to China 's growth no choice but to move offshore .

  10. 他们相信这是上帝的旨意和美国人的责任,即在美国大陆上来扩张美国的民主和自由。

    They felt it was God 's will , and their duty , to spread American democracy and freedom across the continent .

  11. 它只是促使台企不愿将利润返回台湾,因为它们担心自己无法动用这些资金,在大陆进一步扩张。

    It has just discouraged them from repatriating profits to Taiwan for the fear of not being able to use the funds for further expansion on the mainland .

  12. 该断陷盆地系发育于晚中生代期间,以巨大的规模、复杂的动力学背景和伴有一套大陆边缘扩张型火山岩组合为特征。

    This fault basin system was formed in Late Mesozoic and it is characterized by gigantic scale , complex geodynamic background and accompanying with the extensional volcanic assemblage of continental margin .

  13. 中国东部新生代火山的迁移与大陆裂谷的扩张和大陆漂移

    The shift of Cenozoic volcanoes and the spreading and drifting of continental rifts in the eastern China

  14. 大陆漂移和海底扩张。

    The continental drift theory and sea-floor spreading theory .

  15. 20世纪地球科学经历了大陆漂移、海底扩张和岩石层板块大地构造的发展过程,通过研究的深化和认识的更新,使得许多孤立的地质现象进一步得到规律性的认识。

    The development of earth sciences has experienced from continental drifting , seafloor spreading to lithosphere plate tectonics with their connotation of mobilism in 20th century .

  16. 把这个力学模型计算的力矢量展布于地球表面,可以非常直观地显示大陆漂移和海底扩张在这些力的作用下如何进行运动。

    Spreading out these force vectors of mechanics model on the earth 's surface , it can be directly seen how the continental drifting and sea - floor spreading are in motion affected by these forces .

  17. 根据塔里木库鲁克塔格地区的地质地球化学资料,认为该区在震旦纪-早奥陶世发育地幔热柱&大陆裂谷到大洋扩张之间的地幔柱。

    A hot mantle plume , i.e. the one in between of continental rift and oceanic spreading , indicated by geochemical data , was developed during Sinian to Early Ordovician in Kuruktag area of the Tarim Basin .

  18. 北京方面辩称,应当吸纳南非作为整个非洲的代表,鉴于中国在非洲大陆拥有庞大且快速扩张的利益,此举从地缘政治上讲对中国意义重大。

    Beijing argued that South Africa should be included as a representative of the whole of Africa and , given its large and rapidly expanding interests in the continent , this makes great geopolitical sense to China .

  19. 整个20世纪的重大成就是对地球的认识经历了大陆漂移、海底扩张和岩石层板块大地构造的发展,基本上建立起以活动论为内涵的全球构造观。

    In the whole period of the 20th century , the cognition of Earth has experienced several stages , i.e. , continental drift sea floor spreading lithospheric plate tectonics , and established basically the global tectonics with its connotation of mobilism .

  20. 2000年以来,在国际国内诸多因素的影响下,台商对中国大陆的投资快速扩张,呈现出规模大型化与层次高级化的趋势。

    Progress has been made in investment relations between the Chinese mainland ( CM ) and Taiwan against the background of complex international and domestic factors since 2000 . Taiwanese investment in CM and has increased rapidly , and in scales and levels as well .

  21. 20世纪50年代古地磁技术的突破为确定大陆的古地理位置、古陆块之间的相互关系以及大陆裂解和大洋扩张的历史提供了更有说服力的证据。

    The a breakthrough of paleomagnetism in the 1950s provided a more reliable method for determining the paleogeographic location of isolated continents and their relative positions , and to trace the processes of continental divergence , convergence and ocean crustal spreading .