
dà lǜ shī
  • barrister;barrister-at-law
  1. “她真是个火爆性子,”大律师心中想道。

    " What a spit-fire she is ," thought the barrister .

  2. 你可以以成为大律师为目标,这使你有机会,但你不能被看作是在争取一个任命。

    You can aim to be a barrister , which puts you in the running , but you can 't be seen as angling for an appointment .

  3. 各公司往往偏爱那些在伦敦金融城的大律师事务所受过培训的律师。

    Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm

  4. 御用大律师基兰·库南对法官说这些罪行情节较轻,希望能够从宽判决。

    Kieran Coonan QC told the judge in mitigation that the offences had been at the lower end of the scale

  5. 卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)的研究员路易丝阿什利(louiseashley)在专业服务机构工作,她经常与大律师事务所的初级年轻律师交谈。

    Louise Ashley , a research fellow at Cass Business School who works with professional services firms , speaks regularly with young lawyers at entry level with the largest law firms .

  6. 出庭律师公会当选主席、皇家大律师迈克尔托德(MichaelToddQC)表示:交流计划无论在增进对比较法律制度的了解和认知,还是在分享和促进共同价值观方面都扮演着关键角色。

    Michael Todd QC , chairman-elect of the Bar Council said : Exchange schemes play a vital role both in raising understanding and awareness of comparative legal systems and in sharing and promoting common values .

  7. 大律师事务所专门devisions本,使之成为一家提供全面服务的公司。

    Big law firms have specialized devisions for this , making them a full service company .

  8. 承接国内、国际、刑事以及监管法律案件的英国律师事务所KingsleyNapley合伙人、御用大律师迈克尔•卡普兰(MichaelCaplanQC)表示,一旦阿桑奇离开使馆,警方将必须逮捕他,并安排将其引渡到瑞典。

    Michael Caplan QC , partner at Kingsley Napley who practises in domestic , international , criminal and regulatory law , said police would have to arrest Mr Assange if he left the embassy and arrange for his extradition to Sweden .

  9. 根据布鲁克斯的邮件,布莱尔建议她成立一个独立小组,并聘请前刑事检控专员肯•麦当劳(KenMacdonald)担任外部律师,称他是一个德高望重的人,严肃的刑事鉴识大律师。

    According to Ms Brooks ' email , Mr Blair advised her to set up an independent unit with an outside counsel , Ken Macdonald , a former director of public prosecutions , a great and good type , a serious forensic criminal barrister .

  10. 覆核委员会乃根据《法律援助条例》(第91章)26a条设立,由高等法院司法常务官和香港大律师公会及香港律师会各派一名代表组成。

    The Committee of review is set up under section26a of the Legal Aid Ordinance and is made up of the Registrar of the high court and a representative each of the bar association and the law society of Hong kong .

  11. 特瑞:是的,我的祖父是伦敦的大律师。

    TERRY : Yes , my grandfather was a barrister in London .

  12. 他是对劳工法有专门研究的大律师。

    E.g. He is a barrister specializing in employment law .

  13. 各方可由律师或大律师代为出席研讯。

    The parties may appear at an inquiry by solicitor or counsel .

  14. 该会宣读了在艾肯,资深大律师今日。

    The will was read in Aiken , SC today .

  15. 有多少人在那些大律师事务所工作?

    How many peopie work at these big Iaw offices ?

  16. 我认识一个大律师。

    I have the name of a great attorney .

  17. 他立志成为一位大律师。

    He has aspirations to become a great lawyer .

  18. 特别是当你成为大律师的时候。

    Especially when you become some big hotshot lawyer .

  19. 她在伦敦一家大律师事务所见习。

    She is articled to a big law firm in the city of london .

  20. 取消俱乐部成员的资格;四大律师学院之一的资格老的成员

    Blackballed from membership in the club ; Senior member of an Inn of court

  21. 据称他是个大律师。

    He is known as a great lawyer .

  22. 她作为一名大律师而闻名。

    She distinguished herself as a great lawyer .

  23. 你是说那个大律师赵自耕?她女儿多大?

    You mean ChaoTzu-keng , the famous lawyer ? How old is his daughter ?

  24. 我们不一定期望或甚至重视大律师的这些技能。

    We don 't necessarily expect or even value those skills in a barrister .

  25. 凡属申请或调查的任何一方,均可由律师或大律师代表。

    Any party to an application or investigation may be represented by solicitor or counsel .

  26. 绵羊少了一条腿,气愤地去找狐狸大律师讨公道。

    Sheep less a leg to find the fox angrily Bar fight for fair play .

  27. 当时我跟他一起在某一大律师事务所工作。

    At the time , I was associated with him in a large law firm .

  28. 撒切尔法官希望汤姆以后成为一名大律师或是著名的军人。

    Judge Thatcher hoped to see Tom a great lawyer or a great soldier some day .

  29. 保佑我儿子刘志鹏大律师。

    Bless my son lawyer Lau C.P.

  30. 安娜福布斯在剧中是位精明的大律师,这一角色堪称90年代成功职业女性的典范。

    Anna Forbes , the hardheaded barrister in This Life typifies the successful 1990s working woman .