
  • 网络Suri;Julie;Julie Su;Julie Sue
  1. 接受《InStyle》采访的时候,凯蒂赫尔姆斯大谈了自己的穿衣心经、新电影当然还有让她引以为傲的女儿苏芮。

    In her interview with InStyle for their August issue , Katie Holmes dishes about her style , new film and of course her pride and joy , Suri .

  2. 其实现在的小苏芮已经完全过着一种明星的生活了。

    Suri already lives the lifestyle of a star .

  3. 汤姆克鲁斯的老婆凯蒂在上周带着宝贝女儿苏芮出现在纽约的街头上。

    Katie Holmes and daughter Suri in high heels in New York last week .

  4. 凯蒂赫尔姆斯大谈自己女儿苏芮克鲁斯有多适合做演员。

    Katie Holmes gushes about her daughter Suri Cruise and how she is meant for stardom .

  5. 当天下午晚些时候,有人还看见汤姆·克鲁斯和爱妻一同慢跑,不过当时苏芮没和他们在一起。

    The happy couple were also spotted sans Suri later in the same afternoon jogging together .

  6. 我们都很喜欢苏芮现在的样子,我们会忍不住想她可能会做演员。

    We all love Suris style and now that she might be an actress , we cant contain ourselves .

  7. 苏芮没有固定的睡觉时间,她的父母把她当做成年人对待,这位友人说。

    Suri doesnt have a set bedtime , and her parents treat her like an adult , says the friend .

  8. 之后不久,苏芮又将她亮闪闪的小跟鞋换下,穿上了一双更适合她年龄的粉白相间的运动鞋。

    Then again , Suri soon swapped her glittery hills for somemore age appropriate footwear : a pair of pink and whitesneakers .

  9. 据内部人士表示,48岁的汤姆和凯蒂之所以这么宠着苏芮是因为他们都是科学论派的人。

    According to the insider , Tom , 48 , and Katies devotion to Scientology is the reason that Suris so spoiled .

  10. 感觉昨天凯蒂•赫尔姆斯还在挺着个大肚子,可现在你看小苏芮•克鲁斯长得多快!

    Seems like only yesterday Katie Holmes was sporting a baby bump & but look how fast little Suri Cruise is growing up .

  11. 据比赛组织人员介绍,阿汤哥抱着女儿苏芮在终点线处等待凯蒂的凯旋。

    Husband Tom Cruise and their daughter , Suri , were at the finish line to congratulate the actress , according to event officials .

  12. 他们还让小小年纪的她使用化妆品,穿高跟鞋,有报道称小苏芮每个月要花5万美元来买衣服和玩具!

    They also let her wear makeup GetWord (" makeup "); and high heels and reportedly spend $ 50,000 a month on clothes and toys !

  13. 阿汤夫妇和小女儿苏芮近日入住他们去年在比弗利山庄购置的一套豪宅,这套豪宅面积达1万平方英尺(相当于900多平米),共有七个卧室和十个洗手间。

    The couple and their daughter , Suri , recently moved into the10,000-square-foot home with seven bedrooms and10 bathrooms , which they purchased last year .

  14. 凭着时髦的衣着、可爱的发型和时尚的明星爸妈,两岁的苏芮?克鲁斯荣登福布斯网站年度“最具影响力明星宝宝”排行榜之首。

    With her stylish outfits , stylish hair and stylish parents , two-year-old Suri Cruise has topped an annual list of the most influential celebrity children .

  15. 这已经是小苏芮第二次穿著T字小高跟出现在媒体面前了,为此打扮她的爸爸妈妈也陷入了尴尬的境地。

    It was the second time she had been seen wearing stack-heeled , T-bar shoes with peep-toes , and led to Ms Holmes and Mr Cruise being criticised .

  16. 在榜单中排名第四的是高跟鞋爱好者苏芮•克鲁斯。小苏芮年仅5岁,但十分热衷时尚。

    Fourth on the list is high-heel lover , Suri Cruise , who at the tender age of five is nothing if not dedicated to the world of fashion .

  17. 服装零售商发现,明星宝贝们激起了大家购买时尚童装的欲望,最有代表性的就是汤姆·克鲁斯和凯蒂·赫尔姆斯的爱女小苏芮,她酷爱高跟鞋和口红。

    The retailer found that celebrity children , like the high heel and lipstick-wearing daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise , were inspiring the purchase of trend-led childrenswear .

  18. 或者凯蒂•赫尔姆斯的小翻版苏芮•克鲁斯又怎样?她曾被《福布斯》杂志票选为最可爱的“星二代”。

    Or how about Katie Holmes'little doppelganger , Suri Cruise , who was voted the most adorable " celebriots " by Forbes magazine ? And they know " cute " .

  19. 我假想着苏芮•克鲁斯多年来一直担心着本周,自很久之前威廉王子娶了凯特以来她一直守护着她不愿看到皇室婴儿可能性的内心。

    My faux version of Suri Cruise has feared this week for years , having been guarding her heart against the possibility of a royal baby since long before Prince William married Kate .