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  1. 基本公式为费-里德尔(Fay-Riddell)平衡边界层驻点热流密度公式,李斯(Lees)层流热流分布公式。

    The basic formulas are Fay-Riddell balance boundary layer stagnation point heat flux formula and Lees ' formula .

  2. 曾担任伦敦金融城首席规划官的彼得•李斯(PeterRees)将这些房地产称为“天空里的保管箱”,精辟地概括了这种房地产与下方真实城市之间的隔阂。

    Peter Rees , one-time chief planner for the City of London , called these properties " safe-deposit boxes in the sky , " an eloquent encapsulation of the alienation of this real estate from the real city that lies below it .

  3. 运用李斯(Lieth)方法计算粮食作物的气象产量,预测气温、降水量变化对气象产量的影响,并且提出适合该区应对气候变化的粮食生产和农业发展对策。

    Calculating the meteorological yields of grain crops , By using Lieth method , the meteorological yields of grain crops are calculated . The impact of temperature and precipitation changes on meteorological yields is predicted .

  4. 他的求婚一次次地遭到了她的唾弃,于是数周后,他转而向另一名女性乔吉·海德―李斯(GeorgieHyde-Lees)求了婚。她明知自己在他心目中并非首选,却依然成为了对他满怀深情的终身伴侣。

    A few weeks after she , in turn , spurned his marriage offer , he proposed to another woman , Georgie Hyde-Lees , who , despite knowing where she ranked , became his devoted life partner .

  5. 文化根源:司马迁笔下的李斯人格探析

    Cultural origin-analysis on Li Si 's personalities described by Sima Qian

  6. 黄-李斯因子及温度对多声子无辐射跃迁的影响

    The Effect of Temperature Huang - Rhys in the Multiphonon Nonradiative Transitions

  7. 但是这两个阴谋家发生了反目,赵高处死了李斯。

    But the two conspirators quarreled , and Zhao Kao had Li executed .

  8. 我代表李斯电脑供应公司。

    I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company .

  9. 李斯是个自尊心很强的人,随便碰见什么都不放在眼里。

    Rees was a highly self-respected townsman who never by any chance met anyone 's eyes .

  10. 我是李斯电脑供应公司的代表,是大规模的折价邮购公司。

    Importer : I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company . We 're a high-volume , discount mail-order house .

  11. 李斯促使帝国分为36个地区,每个地区由中央委派官员治理。

    Li caused the empire to be divided into 36 regions , each governed by a centrally appointed official .

  12. 李斯建议帝国档案馆里的所有史料,除去秦朝历史学家所撰写的,都应该被烧毁;

    Li Si proposed that all histories in the imperial archives except those written by the Qin historians be burned ;

  13. 对于文字的统一,李斯也是有影响的。统一后的文字一直使用到近代。

    Li Si was also influential in creating a unified writing system , which remained substantially the same until recent times .

  14. 公元前209年始皇帝驾崩,李斯卷人了宦官赵高取消正当继位的阴谋。

    When the emperor died in 209 B. C. , Li became involved in the eunuch Zhao Kao 's plot to void the proper succession .

  15. 他的文化专制主张以全盘否定礼乐文化为代价,李斯成为一个负面的文化角色。

    The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .

  16. 作为始皇帝的大臣,李斯负责了秦国公元前221年后大多数的政治和文化改革。

    As minister to the emperor , Li was responsible for most of the radical political and cultural innovations made in Qin after 221 B. C. .

  17. 在李斯的指导下,秦始皇统一了度量衡并且为了防止北方的蛮人人侵开始修建长城。

    Under his guidance the emperor standardized coinage and weights and measures and began construction of the Great Wall to keep out barbarians from the north .

  18. 矛盾的思想性格,与秦二世的不和,以及儒法学说的冲突对他的影响,三种因素最终使得李斯走上了悲剧的道路。

    Three reasons , which are his paradoxical character , the conflict with King Qin ⅱ and the effect of contradiction between Confucianism and Legalist School , lead to his tragedy .

  19. 李斯是秦朝唯一有文学作品流传下来的作家,他处于重大的历史转型期,扮演多种文化角色,主要有不做厕鼠做仓鼠;

    Li Si , the only writer in the Qin Dynasty who has bequeathed his literary works to us , has played multiple cultural roles in an important transitional historical period .

  20. 公元前247年李斯来到秦国,开始了将近40年的为秦王(后来的始皇帝)的服务。

    In 247 B. C. he entered the state of Qin to begin almost 40 years of service under the ruler later known as Shih Huang-ti ( " First Sovereign Emperor " ) .

  21. 秦统一全国之后,李斯向始皇帝建议以吏为师,恢复了西周春秋时期官学教育模式。

    After the First Emperor of Qin unified the country , Li Si suggested " Officials as Teachers " and restored the model " official " education of the Western Zhou and the Spring and Autumn period .

  22. 李斯是为秦始皇文化专制政策推波助澜的人物,他的文化专制主张经历了一个发展过程。他的文化专制主张以全盘否定礼乐文化为代价,李斯成为一个负面的文化角色。

    LiSi was a propellent for the arbitrary culture policy in the Qin Dynasty . The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .

  23. 根据《史记》的记载,秦始皇吞并齐国并一统中国之后,他的丞相李斯建议压制演讲的自由,统一思想和政见。

    According to the Records of the Grand Historian , after the First Emperor of Qin annexed the State of Qi and unified China in 221 BC , his Chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing the freedom of speech , unifying all thoughts and political opinions .

  24. 最后,为了避免破坏性思想的成长,李斯于公元前213年禁止教授历史并且下令“焚书”,李斯因此受到了后来所有儒生的责骂。

    Finally , in an effort to prevent the growth of subversive thought , Li in 213 B. C. forbade the teaching of history and ordered the " burning of the books , " for which he earned the opprobrium of all future generations of Confucian scholars .

  25. 太监赵高和丞相李斯合谋篡改遗诏,声称秦始皇命太子扶苏自尽,由其弟胡亥继位。

    The eunuch Zhao Gao and chancellor Li Si conspired to forge the emperor " s will , declaring that the emperor ordered Fusu , the crown prince , to commit suicide , and his younger brother Hu Hai , the emperor 's favorite , to succeed to the throne .

  26. 李斯,大概公元前280年生在中国中部的楚国,公元前208年死于咸阳,政治家。李斯利用无情但是有效的法家思想统一了战国时期的各个诸侯国,建立了中央集权的中国帝国---秦朝。

    Li Si ( born 280 B. C. , Chu state , central China , died 208 B. C. , Xianyang ) was a Chinese statesman who utilized the ruthless but efficient ideas of the political philosophy of Legalism to weld the warring Chinese states of his time into the first centralized Chinese empire , the Qin Dynasty .