
  1. 试论李健吾喜剧的人学基础及其在创作中的体现

    Li Jian-wu 's Comedies and Their Humanistic Foundation

  2. 灵魂在杰作间的奇遇&论李健吾的文学批评

    Soul in masterpiece between adventure & discuss the literature criticism of Li Jian Wu

  3. 一个自由灵魂的奇遇&论李健吾的批评观念

    The Adventure of a Free Soul & On Li Jian wu 's Idea about Literary Criticism

  4. 自由的心态与纯正的趣味&论李健吾的文学批评

    The free mood and pure taste

  5. 李健吾在中国现代文学批评史上堪称神韵独具。

    Li Jian wu can be regarded as a genius in the history of modern Chinese literary criticism .

  6. 国内对巴尔扎克的接受与传播中,李健吾属成绩卓著者。

    Among the people who accept and spread Balzac at home , Li Jianwu belongs to the distinguished .

  7. 李健吾的文学批评强调三个方面的要求:批评是一种艺术;

    The emphases of LI Jian-wu s literary criticism include three aspects : criticism is a kind of art ;

  8. 李健吾的批评观念大多存在于其丰富的批评实践活动中。

    Li as an active , the literary critics exist in its most criticism concept of criticism practice activities .

  9. 艺术隐喻在审美批评中的价值与作用&以李健吾的文学批评为例

    The Value and Function of Art Metaphor in the Aesthetic Criticism & LI Jian-wu in Literary Criticism as An Example

  10. 李健吾评价《九十九度中》最富有现代性的原因探析

    On the Reason that Li Jian-wu evaluates " At Degree Nineteen Nine " as " the Most Modern One "

  11. 审视灵魂剖析人生&李健吾话剧创作风格论之一

    Looking closely at soul , Analysing humanity : First party on the creative style of Li Jian wu 's modern drama

  12. 这一部分对李健吾文学批评意识的论述中主要采用历史还原的方法,与同时期的批评家的看法进行比较分析。

    This part mainly use historical reduction method analyze the literary criticism consciousness and the view of critics at the same time .

  13. 李健吾的剧作是在传统与外来文化交融的基础上,基于现实需要的崭新创造。

    Li JianWu 's drama is a blending in tradition and outside culture , a brand-new creation that on the basis of reality needs .

  14. 作为一名现代自由主义知识分子和学院派文人,李健吾的人生经历和戏剧创作包蕴着丰富的历史信息。

    As one modern liberalism intellectual and academism scholar , Li JianWu 's experience of life and his drama contain abundant historical message to create .

  15. 但这种研究现状与李健吾剧作的艺术价值、他对中国话剧的贡献及他在中国现代话剧史上的地位相比远远不够。

    This cannot be compared with the artistic value of his works , his contribution to Chinese and his place in the Chinese history of modern drama .

  16. 第二部分,介绍李健吾印象主义批评的观念与方法,侧重从三个方面进行分析,揭示印象式批评的精髓。

    Part 2 introduces Li Jian wu 's Impressionism critical method . Analyses it in three aspects , from which we try to find out the essence of impressionism criticism .