
  • 网络STEEL SECTIONS;Steel Profiles
  1. 冷轧法生产高精度特殊钢型材

    Production of High Precision Special Steel Bars by Cold Rolling Process

  2. 酸洗钢型材及电镀钢件废酸液闭路循环处理的研究

    Study on the Closed Circulation Treatment for the Acid Washing Waste Water

  3. 安钢型材机组采用150~2方坯轧材的探索与实践

    Research and practice of 150mm × 150mm billet rolling in the section mill of Anyang Steel

  4. 不饱和树脂、璃钢型材、璃钢板材、璃钢门窗、璃钢浴室等。

    Acrylic resin , casting resin , FRP profile , FRP board , FRP door and window , FRP closet , etc.

  5. 介绍了玻璃钢型材拉挤成型模具的工况特点、材料选用及影响因素。

    The characteristics and effect factors of pultrusion mould of fiberglass reinforced plastics and the selections of raw materials are introduced .

  6. 新型钢门窗型材冷弯成型CAPP中的工艺生成方法

    The Method to Generate the Cold Forming Process Plan in the CAPP System for the Shapes of New Type Steel Doors and Windows

  7. 文章介绍了槽形和C形两种钢制型材轧制的设计要点,指出了孔型设计的注意事项,并对塑钢门窗的经济效益和应用前景做了分析。

    This article introduces the design requirements of the slotted type and C type steel material rolling and points out main idea of pass design . It also analysis the economical benefit and application prospects of plastic steel windows and doors .

  8. 高速工具钢中型材轧后成品尺寸的控制

    Control on Dimensions of Medium-sized Sections of High Speed Steels

  9. 钢结构型材柔性制造系统现状与前景

    The Present Situation & the Prospect of the Steel Structural Section Flexible Manufacture System

  10. 根据涂层厚度,钢结构型材选择适宜的涂装方法。

    High-pressure solid coating and common coating should be adopted , painting or several construction methods adopted at the same time .

  11. 适用于铝合金型材,工业铝材,有色金属以及轻型钢结构型材的安装孔,流水槽,锁孔等的加工工序;

    The machine is designed for processing launder , milling and mounting hole , lock hole in the aluminum profile and other industry aluminum materials .

  12. 针对安钢300机组型材工艺及设备存在的问题进行了分析,提出了改进措施。

    The article analyses the technology of 300 section bar mill set and problems existed in equipments , and puts forward measures .

  13. 而且,冷弯型钢作为经济型材,被越来越广泛地应用于工程实际中。

    And as kind of most economical formed material , cold-formed steel members are used in practical engineering more and more widely .

  14. 本厂采用先进的工艺技术、精良的设备和严格的管理专业制造各种玻璃钢拉挤型材、格栅、梯子及其他相关玻璃钢制品。

    We apply advanced techniques , excellent machine and strict management for making all kinds of FRP profiles , grating , step ladder and the other products .

  15. 小型钢船折边组合型材最佳高宽比的确定

    Determination of Optimum Width-Height Ratio of Flanged Combined Bars for Small Steel Ships

  16. 宝钢特殊钢分公司长型材轧钢生产线的新工艺和新技术

    New Technologies of the Steel Rolling Production Line for Long Products at Special Steel Branch

  17. 汽车用钢主要是优质型材,以合结钢、碳结钢和弹簧钢为主。

    The steel for auto is mostly high grade profiled steel , among this , alloy steel , carbon steel , spring steel are mostly .