
  • 网络flicker free;Flicker-Free;Flicker
  1. 类纸电子阅读器具有无辐射、无闪烁、携带方便、待机时间长等优点,得到了用户越来越多的关注和使用。

    Paper-like electronic reader has radiationless , flicker free , taking convenience , long standby time and so on .

  2. 现今,液晶显示器以其体积小、重量轻、功耗低、无闪烁等优点正逐步取代CRT显示器而成为主流。

    Nowadays , the liquid crystal display ( LCD ) is superceding CRT display and becoming the mainstream for its features of smaller volume , lighter weight , lower consumption , flicker-free , etc.

  3. ~(32)P的无闪烁液测量法研究

    The Investigation of Non scintillation Liquid Counting on ~ ( 32 ) P

  4. 应用离屏DC实现窗口无闪烁图像显示技术

    Flicker-free Image Display Techniques in Application of an Off-screen DC

  5. 嵌入式Linux的Qt/Embedded无闪烁绘图

    Drawing Flicker-free by Qt / Embedded Based on Embedded Linux

  6. 低帧频,无闪烁LED全彩屏的逻辑设计

    The Logic Design of a Full Color LED Display with Low Frame Frequency and no Flicker

  7. 该LED显示屏幕在地铁的旅客信息系统中得到了实际应用,实践证明能很好地静态动态显示,且亮度高、无闪烁。

    The LED display has already been applied to travel 's information system of railway , and it is proved to provide fine static and dynamic display with high brightness and without blinking .

  8. 该软件是基于Visualc++6.0集成开发环境,应用ActiveX控件编程方法进行通信,使用多线程技术和图形动态无闪烁显示技术,实现了流速曲线的实时动态显示。

    The software is based on Visual C + + 6.0 integrated development environment , applying ActiveX programming technique and using multi-thread method and graphics dynamic non-twinkle display technology , and realizes the current velocity measurement in real-time .

  9. AgNCs具有良好的生物相容性和光稳定性,在实验相关时间尺度上无闪烁,为生物分析及医学诊断研究提供了新的标记手段,开辟了新的应用领域。

    Ag NCs provide biology analysis and medical diagnosis with new labeling methods and open up new applications for its good biocompatibility and photostability with no power-low blinking on all relevant time scales .

  10. 实现了网页的无闪烁动态刷新;

    Realized the homepage not glitters dynamically renovates ;

  11. 采用节能,无影,无闪烁环型光亮灯管,不会影响视力。

    Adopted power save , shadow-less , flash-less ring-formed bright fluorescent tube has no bad effect to vision .

  12. 显示速率软件可调,无闪烁的最高显示速度可达50帧/秒。

    The speed of dynamic display can be adjusted by software . The maximum display speed without flickering is 50 frames per second .

  13. 本方案采用了多缓冲和页面翻动技术,页面刷新频率达到120Hz/s,可产生无闪烁的立体显示效果。

    The page renovation frequency can be achieved to 120Hz / sec . The stereoscopic display effect is very good and image has no flicker .

  14. 学校、办公场所:安全可靠,无闪烁,光线柔纯正,有效缓解视觉疲劳和保护眼睛。

    Campus and offices : safe and reliable , no flash , soft and pure light , effective mitigation of visual fatigue and eye protection .

  15. 其次,针对显示画面经常会出现闪烁问题,论文重点研究了显示画面的动态实时刷新技术,保证了画面无闪烁显示,实现了显示画面之间的自然切换。

    Furthermore , for the display flicker problem , the paper focuses on the dynamic display of real-time refresh technology to ensure flicker-free and natural switch screen display .

  16. 显控部分应用套接字编程技术完成无线通信网络的可靠传输;结合多线程编程技术提出图形动态无闪烁显示方法。

    Display console applies Socket programming technology to complete reliable wireless communication network transmission and proposes a method of graphical dynamic display with no flicker combining with the multithread programming technology .

  17. 无闪烁、溅射、眩光,彻底消除眼睛疲劳,且不含液态汞。是绿色环保的首选光源。因而对其发射系统进行仿真分析,可以很好地指导液态金属离子源的设计制造。

    Freedom from flicker , no spluttering and low glare . Can thoroughly eliminate eye fatigue . Free of liquid mercury , it is the best light source for environmental protection .

  18. 与长期使用的电感式(也叫电磁式)镇流器比较,电子镇流器具有节电效果显著、体积小、重量轻、无闪烁、无噪声以及在较低的电源电压下仍然可以启动荧光灯的优点。

    Compared with the traditional ballast , it has the advantage of less power dissipation , less weight , no flicker , no noise and capability of ignition on the low supply voltage .

  19. 【结果】①无闪烁液的测量效率包括水溶液、空气和滤膜,分别是闪烁液测量的80%、67%和60%;

    Results ① In different counting medium , the counting efficiency of non scintillation liquid in water , air and filter paper were 84 % , 67 % and 60 % of the scintillation liquid efficiency respectively .

  20. 与传统的随机扫描显示器相比,光栅扫描显示器具有亮度高、分辨率高、图像清晰、显示稳定无闪烁、显示信息容量大、滞留时间长、画面可控等优点。

    Compared with the conventional random scan , raster scan has the advantages of high brightness , high resolution , clear image , steady display and no-glint , great display information capability , long stay and picture-controlled , etc.

  21. 设计了贴近现实的无闪烁圆形放大镜,并利用源数据的矢曼特性,提出一种搜索算法,实现矢量放大功能。

    This thesis designs a ring-shaped window without flashing , whose function is very similar to an actual enlarging lens , and presents a searching algorithm to realize the vector enlarging by the vectorial characteristic of the source data .

  22. 老天爷高高在上,四周无半点星辰闪烁;什么时辰?河鼠瞟了一眼炉台上的钟,不安地问。

    Around the throne on high not a single star quivered ; What hour ?' asked the Rat uneasily , glancing at the clock on the mantelpiece .

  23. 传统的笨重、高辐射、高污染的CRT显示器正日益被轻巧、节能、环保、无辐射、无闪烁的液晶显示器所代替,同时视频显示器-计算机之间的基本接口也将从模拟向全数字化转变。

    The traditional heavy CRT displays with high radiation and pollution are gradually replaced by light LCD which are energy saving , non-radiation and non-radiance .

  24. 一种允许将紧凑型气体放电灯调至低光输出电平而无可察觉的闪烁的灯照明系统。

    A lamp lighting system allows dimming of a compact gas discharge lamp to a low light output level without perceptible flicker .

  25. 无预热时间,无闪烁,保证快速地对颜色进行评估。

    No warm-up time or flickering which insures quick and reliable color judgment .

  26. 光线健康:无紫外线、红外光辐射;无闪烁,光线柔和纯正,有缓解视觉疲劳和保护眼睛。

    Good for health : No ultraviolet rays and infrared radiation ; No flicker , soft light , Relieve visual fatigue .