
  • 网络pollutant generation quantity
  1. 新战略的内容是:动员全社会在源头削减污染物产生量;

    The contents of the new strategy are as follows , 1.Mobilize the whole society to avoid generating pollutants in the first place .

  2. 优先采用资源利用率高以及污染物产生量少的清洁生产技术、工艺和设备。

    Shall accord priority to adopting cleaner production technologies , processes and equipment , which maximize the resource utilization rate and generate few pollutants .

  3. 中国是镍消费第一大国,镍冶炼生产行业中普遍存在能源消耗高、污染物产生量大的问题。

    China is the biggest country of nickel consume , and also commonly exist some problems of high energy consumption , the large amounts of pollutants in nickel smelting industry .

  4. 有机化工行业作为资源消耗高、污染物产生量大的行业,是最早开展循环经济实践的行业之一,已积累诸多成功经验。

    Organic chemical industry characterized high resources consumption and large amount of pollutants emission is one of earliest industries which are practising circular economy , therefore many successful experiences of developing circular economy have been achieved in this industry .

  5. 同时,对支流区域内污染物的产生量与影响支流水体污染的成因,及支流的污染负荷进行了分析,提出了相应的水污染综合防治对策。

    At the same time , the producing amount of pollutants in the tributary regions and the factors which affected the water body and pollution load in the tributaries were analyzed , and the harnessing countermeasures were also presented .

  6. 清洁生产以提高资源、能源利用率,减少污染物的毒性及产生量为目标,从污染源头抓起,实行生产全过程的污染控制,是企业防治污染的方向,是提高环境保护管理水平的途径。

    Cleaner production takes increasing resources and energy utilization rate , reducing toxicity and production of pollutants as a target . Pollution control from the source of pollution and during the entire process of production is the direction of enterprises .

  7. 环境污染物增长率和单位GDP污染物产生量明显下降。

    The rate of growth in environmental pollutants and pollutant production in unit GDP production dropped significantly .