
  • 网络onion soup;French Onion Soup
  1. 是的,我先来一杯洋葱汤。

    Yes . I 'd like a cup of onion soup .

  2. 我要蘑菇煎蛋和洋葱汤。

    I 'll have the mushroom omelets and onion soup .

  3. 如果你确实点了蒜蓉面包和洋葱汤呢?

    And if you did order that garlic bread and onion soup ?

  4. 是的,我要洋葱汤及蔬菜沙拉。

    Yes , I want onion soup and tossed green salad , please .

  5. 我要烤牛肉、菇鸡蛋饼和洋葱汤。

    I 'll have roast beef , a mushroom omelet and onion soup .

  6. 是,签字了!嘿,葱头,你吃过'妈妈的中国洋葱汤'吗?

    Have you ever had'Mum 's Chinese onion soup'before ?

  7. 如何做法式洋葱汤浓缩粉。

    How to make French onion soup mix .

  8. 我要喝法国洋葱汤。

    I would like French onion soup .

  9. 法式洋葱汤,您的色拉要哪种酱?

    French onion soup , sir , what dressing would you like for your salad ?

  10. 你们还有没有洋葱汤?我在菜单上没看到呢。

    Do you still have onion soup ? I don 't see it on the menu .

  11. 您要点餐了吗?我要一份凯撒沙和一份法国洋葱汤。

    Are you ready to order ? I 'll have the Caesar Salad and a bowl of French onion soup .

  12. 有新鲜芦笋,奶油洋葱汤,面包和罕见的人工饲养牛肉的晚餐,是复杂的但绝对美味。

    Dinner of fresh asparagus , cream of onion soup , warm bread and rare , hand-reared beef was sophisticated but not pretentious and utterly delicious .

  13. 菜单取决于你选择的目的地——纽约方向的航班享用的是曼哈顿蛤肉汤和奶酪蛋糕,巴黎方向的航班享用的是三文鱼塔塔和洋葱汤。

    The menu depends on the destination of choice -- Manhattan clam chowder and cheesecake for New York and salmon tartar and onion soup for Paris .

  14. 仅仅因为共进晚餐是求爱的永恒主题,并不意味着这是个好方法,这和点了蒜蓉面包和洋葱汤后再献初吻是一样的性质。

    Just because it 's been a courtship staple since forever doesn 't mean it 's a good idea , any more than ordering garlic bread and onion soup just before going in for the first kiss is a good idea .

  15. 奶油洋葱海鲜汤。

    B : It 's cream of onion soup with seafood .

  16. 鱿鱼搭配微火碳烤的洋葱和柠檬罗勒,尝起来滋味柔甜,微妙无比;餐后甜点是尝起来像法式洋葱汤的冰淇淋,回味丰厚,对以果蔬为主的清爽美食进行了适当而及时的补充。

    Squid , paired with charred onions and lemon basil , was exquisitely supple and sweet , and dessert was a fitting , fetching cap to a meal with such a vegetal , herbaceous bent : ice cream that tasted like French onion soup .

  17. 你大概会把洋葱归为老式餐点佐料,因为什么菜都可以加点洋葱切片,你可以炸洋葱圈,炖洋葱汤,煎洋葱烩蛋,还能把它扔到砂锅里去煮一煮。

    You might relegate onions to the list of old-fashioned kitchen standbys , as you can slice and dice them into everything from home fries and soups to omelets and casseroles .