
  • 网络Chips;potato chip;Crisps
  1. 你要不要来点我的洋芋片?

    Would you like to try some of my potato chips ?

  2. 洋芋片、糖果、汽水和其它好吃的东西都颇受欢迎。

    Potato chips , candy bars , soft drinks and other goodies are popular treats .

  3. 苏正在吃洋芋片、花糖和巧克力棒。

    Sue is eating chips , cotton candy and chocolate bar .

  4. (给锅炉等)生火把炉火生起来,我好饿。炸洋芋片。

    fire up Fire up the grill , I 'm hungry !

  5. 洋芋片、小零嘴、点心、焗豆。

    Chips , finger foods , desserts , baked beans .

  6. 拆开…打开这些洋芋片,我好饿。

    rip something open Rip those chips open , I 'm starving .

  7. 你有没有炸洋芋片可以吃?

    Do you have any chips to snack on ?

  8. 我乾脆加买洋芋片一包去换免费火鸡一只。

    Might as well , I grabbed a bag of chips for a free turkey .

  9. 吃洋芋片是很容易发胖的。

    Potato chips are really fattening .

  10. 他们把它归类为一种垃圾食物,和油腻的薯条、洋芋片以及汉堡一样。

    They classify it as a junk food , along with greasy French fries , potato chips , and hamburgers .

  11. 饥饿被切成了一个铜板一小碗的极薄的干洋芋片,用极不情愿花掉的几滴油炒着。

    Hunger was shred into atomies in every farthing porringer of husky chips of potato , fried with some reluctant drops of oil .

  12. 所以,若是疼爱您家的宠物,就别喂食他们吃高盐分洋芋片。

    If you love your pets , it is not a good idea to share salty foods like chips high in sodium with your pets .

  13. 你打开洋芋片包装或是其他真空包装时,有听到「嘶嘶声」吗?

    Have you ever noticed the " whoosh " sound that happens when you open a bag of potato chips or anything else that is vacuum packed ?

  14. 当煎洋芋片的锅子著火时,他很有魄力用一块湿布盖住它。

    When the pan of chips caught fire he had the gumption to cover it with a damp cloth . The thought of the horrible scene made my flesh creep .

  15. 忙碌的美国人也趋向于吃一大堆「垃圾食物」。洋芋片、糖果、汽水和其它好吃的东西都颇受欢迎。

    Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of " junk food . " Potato chips , candy bars , soft drinks and other goodies are popular treats .

  16. 在我们考虑时,可以先给我们一些洋芋片和一壶玛格丽特吗?他们把它归类为一种垃圾食物,和油腻的薯条、洋芋片以及汉堡一样。

    Can we get some chips and a pitcher of margaritas while we 're deciding ? They classify it as a junk food , along with greasy French fries , potato chips , and hamburgers .