
  1. 它的渊源可以追溯到大约19世纪,那时在成都的万福桥边,有一个脸上长着麻子的婆婆,开了一家饭馆。

    It gained in popularity when a pock-marked woman who lived near the Wanfu Bridge opened and ran a restaurant there , circa the19th century .

  2. 万福桥位于成都北门外,正好是运送菜籽油(一种菜油,四川仍在使用)的脚夫们途经之路。

    Wanfu Qiao sat outside the city wall 's north gate , along a route traversed by laborers lugging rapeseed oil ( a type of vegetable oil still used in Sichuan ) to market .