
fàn pù
  • restaurant;eating house
饭铺 [fàn pù]
  • [eating house] 小型饭馆

饭铺[fàn pù]
  1. 在海苔片上用寿司饭铺满半张的面积,确保饭粒中没有结块的现象。

    Spread a thin layer of the specially prepared sushi rice over half of the Nori , ensuring that the rice is stuck without mashing the kernels .

  2. 祖母说,有一天国王的儿子在巴格达街上游逛,见到一个饭铺又干净又凉爽,他便走进去,在一张饭桌旁坐了下来。

    One day , said my grandmother , the king 's son was walking through the streets of Baghdad , and he came upon an eating place which was so clean and cool that he entered it and sat at a table .