
  • 网络Hotel Group;hotel chain
  1. 饭店集团是在饭店业高度发展基础上形成的一种由众多饭店组织共同构建,通过资本融合和经营协作关系等方式组成的经济联合体。

    Hotel Group is a sort of economic conglomerate that is formed by a number of hotels through capital combination and business cooperation on the basis of a highly developed Hotel industry .

  2. 中国饭店集团典型扩张模式的比较研究

    Comparative Analysis on Typical Expansion Modes of the Chinese Hotel Group

  3. 自从中国加入WTO以后,国际知名饭店集团大举进入中国饭店业市场,国内饭店业竞争呈现出国际竞争国内化、国内市场国际化的特点。

    Since China has joined into WTO , many international well-known hotel groups have entered Chinese hospitality market . The competition becomes more and more intense .

  4. 我国饭店集团化发展分析

    The Analysis of the Restaurant Groups Development in Our Country

  5. 云南旅游饭店集团化发展策略研究

    The Study for the Tactic of Development of Yunnan Tourist Hotel Group

  6. 这位破产管理人被通知经营这家饭店集团。

    The receiver had is called in the run the hotel group .

  7. 这家联营饭店集团已被一家大型跨国公司收购。

    The hotel chain has been bought by one of the big multinationals .

  8. 地区性饭店集团网络化经营研究

    The Research of Regional Hotel Group 's Networking Operation

  9. 确立中国饭店集团的品牌优势

    Establishing Brand Edge for China 's Hotel Groups

  10. 我国旅游饭店集团化发展的策略研究

    The Strategic Research of the Development of - Touring Hotel Group in Our Country

  11. 饭店集团化战略探讨

    A Probe into the Grouping Strategy of Hotels

  12. 中外饭店集团发展态势对比研究

    A Comparative Study of the Developmental Trends of Hotel Groups in China and Abroad

  13. 饭店集团区域扩张的区位进入二维模型研究

    A Study of the Two-Dimensional Model on the Location Entry of Hotel Group Regional Expanding

  14. 对国有饭店集团化经营的探讨

    Discussion on State-owned Hotel Grouping in China

  15. 饭店集团化发展是饭店行业研究的热点问题。

    Hotel collectivize development is a hot topic to the research of the hotel industry .

  16. 饭店集团化模式分析&锦江国际的集团化研究

    An Analysis of the Hotels Conglomeration Model

  17. 随着越来越多的国际饭店集团进入中国市场,我国饭店集团的劣势地位越来越明显。

    With the globalization , more and more international hotels enter the China 's market ;

  18. 饭店集团化发展目前已经成为饭店行业研究的热点和焦点问题。

    Hotel Group development of the hotel industry has become a hot research and focus .

  19. 通过对饭店集团内部结构对饭店中所涉及的各个行为主体的心理动机进行分析,以期提出恰当的饭店经营管理制度。

    The paper analyses the mental motivation that is based on the inter-structure of Hotel Group .

  20. 2006年,在中国饭店集团化发展论坛上荣膺“中国民族品牌饭店20强”。

    2006 honored as one of the " Top ten distinguished brand creators in Asia " .

  21. 利用文化差异创造企业价值&浅论如何消除饭店集团在输出管理中的文化冲突

    Create Business Value with Cultural Differences

  22. 这些因素的综合作用使中国成为了国际饭店集团的必争之地。

    The combined effects of these factors have made China into the international Hotel Group battleground .

  23. 我国饭店集团跨世纪发展战略研究

    The Strategic Study of the Development of the Hotel Group of Our Country in the New Century

  24. 美国希尔顿饭店集团

    Hilton Restaurant Group , US

  25. 论我国本土旅游饭店集团与跨国旅游饭店集团竞争战略的选择模型及其具体选择&兼论锦江国际集团竞争战略类型的选择

    On Competitive Strategy Option Models for China 's Local and transnational Tourist Hotel Groups and Their Specific Choices

  26. 另外本文还分析了著名饭店集团网站上有关企业社会责任的信息并将其汇总。

    In addition , this paper also analyzed the performance in corporate social responsibility of some famous hotels .

  27. 国际饭店集团在中国市场的开拓与发展,极大地推动了中国饭店业的成长。

    With the pioneering and developing of international hotel groups in China , Chinese hotel industry has greatly enhanced .

  28. 改革开放20余年来,我国饭店集团取得了快速发展。

    Chinese hotel groups developed rapidly in the past 20 years or more since the reform and open policy .

  29. 在中国饭店集团化的发展初期,在行业主管部门的政策导向下,饭店管理公司输出管理,提升行业的整体专业化水平成为一种备受推崇的模式。

    Exporting management through hotel management corporation become a canonize mode in the collectivize process and policy direction of guiding .

  30. 专家预计,到21世纪中期将仅有20到30家大型旅游饭店集团能够存活。

    Some experts believe that in the middle of this century there will be only 20 to 30 mega-hotel companies surviving .