
  • 网络Binhai Avenue;esplanade;corniche road;Marine Drive
  1. 海南省琼海市滨海大道路线方案比选

    Comparison and Selection of Alternative Route Schemes of Binhai Avenue in Qionghai City , Hainan Province

  2. 项目前方是六车道设计的白石路,连接沙河东路与侨城东路,可以便捷到达深南大道与滨海大道。

    The front area of the project region is a white stone road designed with six traffic lanes , joined with Shahe East Road and Qiaocheng East road , and which leads to Shennan Avenue and Binhai avenue .

  3. 最后,本文采用Matlab程序语言分别开发出相应的沉降预测计算程序,并应用于某滨海大道的软土路基工程实践。

    Finally , the settlement calculation programs are developed in Matlab programming language , which are both applied in the coastal engineering practice .

  4. 近自然园林法在滨海大道植物景观营建中的应用

    Nature-approximating Landscape Architecture Theory on the Restoration of Coastal Road Plant Landscape

  5. 深圳滨海大道工程的生态影响与生态补偿

    Impact and its compensation of ecological environment in the Binhai highway engineering

  6. 自然生态的道路绿化设计以深圳市滨海大道景观设计为例

    Natural and Ecological Road Planting Design Approach Landscape Design for Shenzhen Binhai Boulevard

  7. 营口市滨海大道地质灾害危险性综合评估与防治措施

    Evaluation of geologic hazards risks and its preventive measure in Binhai Road Yingkou City

  8. 泉州市中心区滨海大道规划设计烧结机布料的改进

    The Planning and Design of the Strand Main Road of the Downtown Area of Quanzhou

  9. 我看来,位于热那亚和斯培两职之间的那条滨海大道,意大利再没有什么可以与之相媲美的了。

    THERE is nothing in Italy , more beautiful to me , than the coast - road between Genoa and Spezzia .

  10. 从滨海大道可以远远地看到下面的卡莫格利亚。温暖的季节里,卡莫格利亚,尤其是热那亚附近的那些地方,以萤火虫而出名。

    The coast-road whence Camoglia is descried so far below , is famous , in the warm season , especially in some parts near Genoa , for fire - flies .

  11. 那两个躺在地上的人,曾经就和许多人一起站在宽敞的滨海大道上,看着夜空中一年一度的烟花表演。

    The woman and the man had been there , with so many others , along the broad seafront promenade , as Nice 's annual fireworks display lit up the night sky .

  12. 厦门环东海域滨海西大道自然生态化设计探讨

    Discussion on the natural ecology design based on Binhai west road in central east sea of Xiamen

  13. 辽宁省滨海公路是一条逶迤于黄海、渤海两个海域的滨海大道。

    The coastal road of Liao Ning is an ocean avenue that runs across the coastal areas of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea .