
  • 网络The Ritz-Carlton;Ritz-Carlton Hotel
  1. 魏先生此前在颇受赞誉的旧金山丽嘉酒店餐饮部担任主管,负责相同职务。

    Having previously led the food and beverage division in the award-winning ritz-carlton , San Francisco in the same capacity , Mr.

  2. 位于华盛顿乔治敦地区(华盛顿西部高级住宅区)丽嘉酒店内的Degrees酒吧向顾客提供两种不同的鸡尾酒&“克里莓酒”和“布什马丁尼”。

    The Degrees bar at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Georgetown is offering the choice of two cocktails-the Kerry Berry Kosmo and the W-tini .

  3. 二人在半月湾的丽嘉酒店见了面,他们站在大厅里交换了整整15分钟的意见,然后才落座。

    When the two met at the Ritz-Carlton in half moon bay , they stood in the hall batting around ideas for 15 minutes before even sitting down .

  4. 混乱与和谐&丽嘉卡尔顿酒店的组织变革与团队管理案例

    Chaos vs. Harmony-Structural Change and Team Management in Ritz-Carlton Hotel