
  1. 集成房屋的抗火性能及不同板材对其抗火性能的影响

    Fire resistance performance of modular house and the effect of different sandwich panels

  2. 佛山市顺德区鸟巢房屋科技有限公司建立起了集成房屋自展示、销售、设计、生产、装配到售后服务一条完整的产业链。

    Foshan Shunde Bird 's Nest Housing Technology Co. , Ltd established a complete industrial chain of integrated housing from display , sale , design , product , assemble and after-sale service .

  3. 尤其是汶川大地震发生之后,地震灾区的灾后重建引发了集成房屋市场需求的短期膨胀,吸引了诸多企业涌入集成房屋行业,因此集成房屋企业面临的竞争压力更为巨大。

    Particularly after the Wenchuan earthquake , the inflated post-disaster reconstruction need for the modular-house has attracted many companies to enter the modular-house industry , so modular-house enterprises are facing more tremendous pressure of competition .

  4. 箱式集成房是在工厂标准化制作构件,采用集装箱的形式运输,可以快速组装、拆分,具有移动便捷等功能性的集成房屋,其采用轻钢结构承重,彩钢夹芯板或其他轻质材料为围护。

    Box-housing is integrated housing , the members of which were produced in factories , transported with containers . Box-housing can be quickly assembled , split , and conveniently moved . It bears with light steel structure , and is enveloped with color steel sandwich panels or other lightweight materials .