
  • 网络nebula;Nebula Award
  1. 小说曾获雨果奖和星云奖,这样的名气让父母们自己在读这本书时都得考虑再三,给孩子看时也会考虑其主题是否适合。

    The book 's prestigious accolades , such as the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award , may make parents think twice about reading the book for themselves - as well as to find out if the themes are damaging to children or not .

  2. 一年一度的华语星云奖是中国科幻作家和读者最大的盛会之一,这个月的第五届星云奖充分显示了刘慈欣在科幻界的崇高地位。

    Mr. Liu 's revered status in the genre was evident this month at a book signing at the fifth annual Chinese Nebula Awards , one of the largest gatherings of science-fiction writers and fans in China .