
  • 网络consumer financial company;consumer finance company
  1. 消费金融公司立法比较及对我国的借鉴

    Legislation Contrast of Consumer Finance Company and Its Enlightenment to China

  2. 申悦10月开始在消费金融公司中望金服(Chainfin.com)工作。

    Ms. Shen started work at Chainfin.com , a consumer finance company , in October .

  3. 在此基础上,对消费金融公司的理论基础做出阐述。

    On this basis , the theoretical basis of the consumer finance company to make elaborate .

  4. 这个时候,我国试点消费金融公司具有积极的现实意义和时代的必要性。

    At the moment , to pilot on consumption financing companies are positive and necessary for the era .

  5. 消费金融公司并不需要担保,不提供住房抵押贷款和汽车贷款。

    Consumer finance companies do not need guarantees and security , and do not provide home mortgages and auto loans .

  6. 消费金融公司的建立,不但有利于完善我国金融体系,同时也对国家经济结构转变起到促进作用。

    The establishment of consumer finance companies is playing active role in completing our finance system and our economic structural changes .

  7. 从消费金融公司通过分期贷款一般比从银行贷款更简单更快。

    Getting an installment loan through a consumer finance company is generally simpler and faster than getting a loan from a bank .

  8. 消费金融公司作为在西方发达国家存续已久的主要消费信贷机构,其管理政策已经建设得相当完善。

    As the long-standing major consumer credit agencies in western developed countries , the management policies of consumer finance companies have already been quite perfect .

  9. 我国在消费金融公司的监管过程中,应借鉴国外先进经验并不断完善自身的不足。

    In the regulatory process of the consumer finance company , China should learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries and continue to improve its own deficiencies .

  10. 最后,对我国消费金融公司监管的完善从消费金融公司自身监管以及政府、社会几方面提出对消费金融公司监管的建议。

    Finally , recommendations on the regulation of the consumer finance company from a consumer finance company supervision as well as government , social aspects and the supervision itself .

  11. 身负消费金融公司债务、无法缴纳每月公共医疗保险费的日本人,将得到一笔国家补助,帮助他们起诉放款人,收回多付的利息。

    Japanese people who are in debt to consumer finance companies and cannot meet monthly public health insurance payments will get a state subsidy to help them sue the moneylenders to recover excess interest charges .

  12. 作为金融市场一个有效的组成部分,消费金融公司的发展对金融业的稳定与繁荣都有着重要的意义,对其进行法律监管显得尤为重要与迫切。

    As a valid part of the financial markets , consumer finance companies , development of the financial sector stability and prosperity are of great significance , its legal regulation is particularly important and urgent .

  13. 然后对我国消费金融公司监管现状进行分析,分析对我国消费金融公司监管的规定,以及在监管过程中存在的问题。

    Then talk about consumer finance company ' regulatory status quo in China and the provisions of the regulation of consumer finance company in our country , as well as the problems in the regulatory process .

  14. 本文为建立成熟消费金融公司经营模式提出了自己的观点,为培育繁荣的消费金融市场提供了参考和借鉴,对中国消费金融公司未来的全面发展做出前景展望。

    This is a mature consumer finance company business model put forward their point of view , to foster prosperity in the consumer finance market reference for the Chinese consumer finance company to make the comprehensive development of future prospects .

  15. 2010年1月6日,中国银行、成都银行、北京银行等三家银行设立消费金融公司的申请首批获得银监会的筹建批复,标志着消费金融公司这一全新的金融机构在我国正式启航。

    On 6 January 2010 , the applications of the bank of China , Chengdu bank , Beijing bank setting up consumer finance companies first were obtained CBRC ' official reply , which marks consumer finance company formal setting sail in China .

  16. 2009年中国成立了首家个人消费金融公司,标志着个人信用消费作为一个新兴的,个人信用完全参与金融服务品种将为我国消费市场注入动力。

    In the year of 2009 , the first consumer finance company got permit in China , and it marks the utility of personal credit on consumption . As a new emerging consumer credit , it will powerful promote the Chinese consumer market .

  17. 消费金融公司于2008年试点运行,从事新型的消费信贷业务,其特色是小额、无抵押担保的快捷信贷,目的是提升社会的个人消费能力,是新时期有特色的金融创新。

    For the purpose to increase personal consumption , Pilot consumer finance companies were established in 2008 , dealing with new types of consumer credit with advantages of offering small amount and unsecured loans , which is a great financial innovation in the new times .

  18. 消费金融公司作为专业为消费者提供消费信贷的金融公司,在国外已有400多年的历史,但其在我国的发展却十分短暂。

    As a professional organization which provides expenditure credit to the clients , the consumer finance company has been active for more than 400 years in the western history . And the development for consumer finance companies in China has just begun with its childhood .

  19. 以消费金融公司授信业务实际情况为出发点,分析了消费金融公司对授信客户的信用信息需求结构。并结合专家意见和试调研确立了影响初次授信有效性的影响因素。

    In view of the real practice of the business in consumer finance companies , the paper analyses the demand structure for clients ' credit information , finding out the factors that affect the validity of initial credit extension through a pilot survey integrated with suggestions from experts .

  20. 基于对以上问题的思考,将如何提高消费金融公司初次授信有效性作为研究对象,提出一些有建设性的建议,作为消费金融公司未来发展的参考。

    Based on the above issues , this paper makes scientific research on how to improve the effectiveness of initial credit extension in consumer finance companies , trying to propose some constructive suggestions and countermeasures , as a reference for the future development of the consumer finance companies .

  21. 花旗将与其消费金融子公司第一联合资本(AssociatesFirstCapital)共同收购20%股份,并将任命经理人负责银行的运营。

    Citigroup , which is acquiring a 20 per cent stake with its consumer finance unit Associates First Capital , will appoint managers to run bank operations .

  22. 过去几个月,由于人们担心Household的不良抵押贷款,汇丰股价下跌。Household是汇丰的美国消费金融子公司。

    In the past few months , HSBC 's share price has been hit by concerns about bad mortgage loans made by Household , its US consumer finance subsidiary .

  23. 与此同时,据知情人士透露,商业和消费金融服务公司CIT也在悄悄为其铁路业务寻找买家。

    GE 's effort comes as CIT , the commercial and consumer finance company , is also quietly seeking a buyer of its CIT Rail business , according to people familiar with the sale process .

  24. 再次,运用量本利分析法,说明消费金融产品的定价与风险,并在前文的基础上分析了消费金融公司消费贷款业务在同类业务竞争中的比较优势。

    Next , use the amount of principal and interest analysis , that the pricing of consumer financial products and risk ; previous paper , based on the analysis of competition in its business in the same comparative advantages .