
  • 网络Consumer economy;consumption economy;consumer economics
  1. 这个学科有时被称为家庭科学,家庭研究或者消费经济。

    This field is sometimes called Family Science , Family Studies , or Consumer Economics .

  2. 基于文献评述,本文最后提出了我国消费经济研究的几个认识论问题。

    Based on the above literature review , the paper concludes with several points of the epistemology for China 's consumer economics .

  3. 宋代消费经济若干问题研究

    The Study on Several Problems of Consumption Economy in Song Dynasty

  4. 振兴消费经济所必须的创新是否行得通还有待考证。

    The innovation necessary to boom a consumer economy is questionable .

  5. 黑龙江省消费经济形势的现状、问题与对策

    Consumer Economy in Heilongjiang Province : Present Situation , Problems and Countermeasures

  6. 要认真解决这一难题,全面提升消费经济型社会。

    We should solve this difficult problem seriously to fully promote consuming-oriented society .

  7. 对国内消费经济领域相关研究进展作了简单的阐述;

    The research progress in the domestic consumption economical domain was simply explained .

  8. 制定消费经济及消费环境政策;

    Consumer economy and consumer environment polices ;

  9. 以欧、美、日消费经济带动的经济全球化,从长远看,不能持续发展。

    Economic globalization is led by western-style consumer economy , which is not sustainable in the long run .

  10. 当前,消费经济时代,旅游产业已经成为了世界第一大产业。

    The Tourism Industry has become the first industry in the world in recent years in consumption economy times .

  11. 本文以消费经济理论、住宅市场的供需理论为基础。

    The thesis is on the foundation of the consumption economic theory , supply and demand theory of the house market .

  12. 因此,大宗商品经济的低迷将对消费经济以及俄罗斯生活水平产生多重影响。

    The downturn in the commodity economy will thus have a multiplied effect on the consumer economy and the Russian standard of living .

  13. 达尔称,老一辈的一些人仍然抱有这种成见,但随着新一代进入消费经济,这种观念已经过时。

    Some in older generations still cling to that idea , but it has faded as a new generation enters the consumption economy , DHAR says .

  14. 对消费经济的研究在我国理论界已有较长一段时期,但是消费现代化的研究却鲜有研究。消费现代化是现代化的重要内容和基本标志。

    Research on consumption economy has been conducted for a long time , while few people take consumption modernization into ac - count , which is the main content and basic symbol of modernization .

  15. 运河城商场里的中国游客似乎并没受到近期中国内地市场波动的影响。乐观的分析师表示,这种冷静的态度可能真实地反映了中国整体消费经济领域的状况。

    The Chinese cruise passengers in Canal City appear unbothered by unfolding events in the mainland markets - a holding of nerve that bullish analysts say will be true across China 's consumer economy .

  16. 新华社引用商务部研究院消费经济研究部副主任赵萍的话,称企业管理层能力不足,缺乏培训,是食品安全丑闻不断的原因之一。

    Xinhua quoted Zhao Ping , deputy director of an arm of the Ministry of Commerce specialising in international trade , as saying that inadequate management capacity and training was responsible for continued food safety scandals .

  17. 对此,应加大消费经济理论的研究、宣传力度,用科学的价值观、消费观指导消费并通过制度约束个人消费行为价值化倾向。

    We should strengthen study of the theory of consumption economy in order to guide the consumption with scientific value and consumption , especially restrain the value inclination of consumers ′ personal behavior through a certain system .

  18. 审美共通感中,理性纯粹对肉身的宰制;消费经济中,商品物化对肉身的贬抑&肉身的焦虑即肉身的政治和经济学批判严肃地指向了社会共通感的非功效。

    In common sense , rationality purely rules mortal body In the consumption economy , the belittlement of the commodity objectification to mortal body & the body of the anxiety , that is to say the body of political and economic criticism , directs the community of non-effectiveness seriously .

  19. 借鉴简单的Ramsey模型,从理论上分析炫耀性消费对经济增长的影响。

    Ramsey 's Model is applied to analyze the effect of conspicuous consumption on the economic growth .

  20. 居民消费对经济增长的作用主要体现在两个方面,一是消费直接形成GDP,二是消费刺激投资,从而带动经济增长。

    Resident consumption leads a fundamental role on two aspects for the development of economy , for one thing , consumption forms GDP directly , for another , consumption activates investment and thus drives economy rising .

  21. 为了研究中国电力消费与经济增长之间是否具有长期稳定均衡关系,用协整分析方法检验了中国国内生产总值(GDP)与电力消费水平之间关系。

    In order to investigate the existence of a stable long-run equilibrium relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption in China , the relationship between the gross domestic product ( GDP ) and electricity consumption in China was investigated using the method of co-integration analysis .

  22. 然而,几年过去了,他们并未成功实现这种转变。事实上,中国去年的经常项目盈余超过GDP的10%,而近年来消费在经济中发挥的作用却越来越小。

    Yet several years later , they have not managed to bring about this shift – indeed , while China ran a current account surplus in excess of 10 per cent of GDP last year , consumption in recent years has played an ever smaller role in the economy .

  23. 加大投资和消费对经济的双重拉动

    To Boost economic growth through Both increased investment and expanded consumption

  24. 炫耀性消费对经济增长影响的理论分析框架

    Theoretical Analysis about the Influence of Conspicuous Consumption to Economic Growth

  25. 大学生体育消费的经济行为与策略

    The economy action and the tactics of undergraduate 's sport consume

  26. 消费在经济波动中的作用正越来越强。

    Affection of consumption on economic fluctuation is more and more strong .

  27. 论消费对经济增长贡献下降的原因及对策

    The Causes and Countermeasures of Consumption 's Decreasing Contribution to Economic Development

  28. 新世纪我国石油的消费和经济发展

    China 's oil and economics trends in the new century

  29. 这是档次和消费比较经济的。

    This is the level of consumption and more economical .

  30. 服务业发展水平的滞后,弱化了消费对经济增长的拉动作用。

    The backwardness of services limits the economic growth .