
xiāo fáng
  • fire fighting;fire protection;fire control;extinguishing and protection
消防 [xiāo fáng]
  • [fire control;fire fighting;fire protection] 灭火与防火

  • 消防车

  • 消防技术

消防[xiāo fáng]
  1. 中华人民共和国消防法

    Fire Control Law of the People 's Republic of China

  2. 公安消防机构的工作人员在进行监督检查时,应当出示证件。

    Working staff of public security fire control institutions , when conducting supervision and inspection , shall produce certificates .

  3. 消防队员奋力扑救大楼中熊熊的火焰。

    Firemen tried to quench the flames raging through the building .

  4. 消防队员立即采取了行动制止大火蔓延。

    Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading .

  5. 那些消防队员已把他们自己的安全置之度外。

    The firefighters showed a contempt for their own safety .

  6. 不遵守消防规章的行为要受到处罚。

    There are penalties for non-compliance with the fire regulations .

  7. 消防队员组成人链把孩子们救到了安全的地方。

    Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the children to safety .

  8. 消防队员需要呼吸器以便进入燃烧的大楼。

    Firefighters needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house .

  9. 这栋建筑每层楼都有个消防通道。

    There is a fire exit on each floor of the building .

  10. 消防队员撞开门,把他们救了出来。

    Firefighters burst the door open and rescued them .

  11. 各消防队一直在全力以赴。

    Fire crews have been operating at full stretch .

  12. 应该指导全体职员学会使用消防设备。

    Members of staff should be instructed in the use of fire equipment .

  13. 消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。

    The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm .

  14. 消防队员仍在尽力控制火势的蔓延。

    Firefighters are still trying to control the blaze .

  15. 消防队员扑灭那场大火困难重重。

    The fire crews had problems fighting the blaze .

  16. 消防人员拒不冲破围厂队伍人墙。

    Fire crews refused to cross the picket line .

  17. 几分钟后消防队就到了现场。

    The fire brigade were there in minutes .

  18. 消防队立刻赶到现场。

    Firefighters were on the scene immediately .

  19. 消防队员奋力救火。

    Firefighters tried to extinguish the flames .

  20. 消防队员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者。

    Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors .

  21. 消防队员把幸存者带到了安全的地方。

    Firefighters led the survivors to safety .

  22. 消防队员用水龙带向燃烧的汽车喷水。

    Firemen hosed the burning car .

  23. 迈克是当地消防队的一名志愿消防员。

    Mike was a member of the local volunteer fire brigade .

  24. 楼下女洗手间旁边有个消防出口。

    There 's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room .

  25. 防暴警察和数辆消防车都到了。

    Police with riot gear and several fire engines are in attendance .

  26. 他们将消防水管对着人们,把他们浇了个透。

    They turned fire hoses on the people and drenched them

  27. 直升机帮助消防队员控制住了火势。

    Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze

  28. 7支消防队被派来控制火势。

    Seven fire brigades were deployed to contain the blaze .

  29. 消防车正要停下来,警报器发出刺耳的声音。

    The fire engines were just pulling up , sirens blaring

  30. 一旦房屋失火,就应该马上叫消防队来。

    The fire brigade should always be called out to a house fire .