
  • 网络Consumer Report;customer reports
  1. 2006年,《消费者报告》杂志为包装最难打开的产品创立了牡蛎奖,同时承认了“包装怒”这样现象的存在。

    In 2006 , Consumer Reports magazine recognized the wrap rage phenomenon when it created the Oyster3 Awards for the products with the hardest-to-open packaging .

  2. 《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)将好市多列入美国消费者满意度前五的零售商。

    Consumer Reports ranks Costco among the top five retailers nationwide in customer satisfaction .

  3. 目前最有代表性的批评来自《消费者报告》杂志(ConsumersReports),这家杂志是目前最有影响力的第三方汽车评估者。

    The most prominent critic has been Consumers Reports , by far the most influential third-party automotive evaluator .

  4. 但是驾驶者发现,这个新系统让人困惑,而《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)则发表了一份报告,对这个系统的功能大加讽刺。

    But drivers found the new system confusing , and consumer reports issued a withering report on its functionality .

  5. 关于美人奴,还有很多评论员没有发出自己的声音,尤其是一贯直言不讳的《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)杂志的分析师们尚未发言。

    There are more voices to be heard on the Murano , notably the fearless auto analysts at Consumer Reports .

  6. 在《消费者报告》(ConsumerReport)杂志评选出的各级别最佳价值车型中,有37款是亚洲车,只有5款是美国车,而且其中还有2款是全尺寸皮卡。

    Consumer Reports ranked 37 Asian cars among the best values in their class vs. just five American models & two of them full-size pickups .

  7. 根据《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)的数据,2013年美国有超过300万部智能手机被盗,远超2012年的160万部。

    In 2013 , more than three million devices were stolen in the U.S. , up from 1.6 million in 2012 , according to Consumer Reports .

  8. 去年秋天的时候,《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)发表了关于鱼类和汞暴露的长篇文章,并对广受欢迎的金枪鱼罐头表示了特别关注。

    This fall Consumer Reports issued a lengthy paper on fish and mercury exposure , noting the special concerns about canned tuna due to its popularity .

  9. 《人车志》认为它“乏善可陈”。《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)对它很不感冒,根本没有给它“推荐”的评级。

    Car and Driver judged the car " lackluster . " Consumer Reports was so turned off it failed to award the Dart a " recommended " rating .

  10. 《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)杂志的汽车评测人员常被讽刺为60年代“超自由主义者”的遗老遗少,因为他们只关心一件事,那就是管理有限的资源。

    The car testers at consumer reports are often caricatured as granola-eating ultra-liberals left over from the 60s who are concerned with just one thing : managing finite resources .

  11. 其次是《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)称,特斯拉目前还有大约2300台没有售出的2014款ModelS(包括展车)正在打折销售。

    Consumer Reports added fuel tthe worries when it reported that the company has about 2300 remaining 2014 Model S cars , including showroom display cars , which the company is selling at a discount .

  12. 根据《消费者报告》杂志资深编辑TomMarks说,商店品牌食物商品的质量近年来有巨大地提升;其中有许多现在能和全国名牌产品竞争。

    The quality of store branded food items has improved dramatically in recent years , and many now compete with major national labels , according to Tom Marks , senior editor at Consumer Reports magazine .

  13. 《消费者报告》称,在可靠性方面,丰田排名第三,落后于本田(Honda)和斯巴鲁(Subaru)。而有两款丰田车型低于平均预期可靠性水平。

    Toyota ranked third behind Honda and Subaru in reliability , and two Toyota models had below average predicted reliability , Consumer Reports said .

  14. 外部事件的影响。《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)杂志曾经对ModelS大加吹捧,但最近该杂志也报道了它的一些常见故障,包括门把手失效,中控触屏白屏,导致车内大部分功能不能使用等等。

    o Outside events can intrude.Consumer Reports , which raved about the Model S , reported a few " quirks " recently that included door handles that failed to activate and a center touch screen that went blank , blocking access to most of the car 's functions .

  15. 恰恰相反,据《消费者报告》的调查结果显示,麦当劳在评比中垫了底。上周三,这个产品检测组织公布了读者调查的结果,麦当劳(McDonald’s)的汉堡在调查中被评为美国最差汉堡之首。

    In fact , it 's just the opposite , according to a Consumer Reports survey . McDonald 's burgers as the worst in the U.S. , according to results of a reader poll released Wednesday by the product testing organization .

  16. 当下美国人在选择就餐地点时越来越关注食物的品质,而并非低廉的价格,《消费者报告》高级项目编辑托德o迈克思(TodMarks)在声明中说。

    More and more , food quality ― not just low price ― is emerging as a deciding-factor for many Americans when choosing where to spend their dining dollars , Tod Marks , senior projects editor for Consumer Reports , said in a statement .

  17. 领导消费者报告食品安全和持续发展组的UrvashiRangan表示。

    Urvashi Rangan directs Consumer Reports Food Safety and Sustainability Group .

  18. 杰克·费舍尔是《消费者报告》杂志汽车测试部门的负责人。

    Jack Fisher is Consumer Reports director of auto testing .

  19. 现在我需要看消费者报告,衡量各种不同的特点。

    Now I need to read consumer reports to evaluate the different features .

  20. 消费者报告并不推荐人们使用包含了防晒霜的驱蚊剂。

    Consumer Reports does not recommend using products that combine sunscreen with insect repellent .

  21. 但通用汽车的许多人一直忐忑不安地等待着《消费者报告》的排名。

    But many at GM were holding their breath for the consumer reports rating .

  22. 众多评论人士已经纷纷拍下了它的靓照(记忆中,《消费者报告》是首次没有推荐新款思域)。

    Consumer Reports failed to recommend the new Civic for the first time in memory .

  23. 现刊“消费者报告”上显示,西南航空在美国是最受欢迎的航空公司。

    In the current issue of Consumer Reports it was rated America 's favourite airline .

  24. 《消费者报告》的调查人员在全美各食品店买了生火鸡肉。

    The researchers at Consumer Reports bought packages of raw ground turkey at grocery stores nationwide .

  25. 消费者报告的一份研究发现,单在美国就有560万13岁以下的儿童玩脸谱网。

    A study by Consumer Reports found that 5.6m children under 13 were using Facebook in America alone .

  26. 消费者报告推荐人们使用含有避蚊胺的驱蚊药,以有效避免蚊虫叮咬。

    Consumer Reports recommends repellents with DEET as the active ingredient as a way to avoid mosquito bites .

  27. 消费者报告发现事先切好的蔬菜和水果要比未经处理的贵不少。

    Consumer Reports found that pre-cut veggies and fruits can be a lot more expensive than the whole items .

  28. 如果你决定用驱虫药,消费者报告推荐你使用包含有避蚊胺成分的驱蚊药。

    If you decide to try insect repellents , Consumer Reports recommends repellents with DEET as the active ingredient .

  29. 消费者报告机构承担了收集、评估消费者信用及其他有关信息的重要职责。

    Consumer reporting agencies have assumed a vital role in assembling and evaluating consumer credit and other information on consumers .

  30. 《消费者报告》的价值分数清楚地列出了10大汽车类别的最高价值车型和最低价值车型,可以说这种排序方法独一无二。

    The calculation provides a clear ranking of the best and worst values in 10 categories that is unavailable anywhere else .