- pitch;tilt;a moment;as bending or lifting the head;cabrage;a simple move or action

(1) [a simple move or action;as bending or lifting the head]∶低头和抬头,泛指随便应付
(2) [a moment]∶比喻很短的时间
Pitch Axis Equal System Match and Flying Quality Evaluation Based on MatLab
Pitch angular velocity estimate based on Kalman Filtering
H_ ∞ Robust Controller of Instruction Steering for Pitching of Aircraft
Using ADAMS Simulation Technology Deal with the Problem of Pitching Machine Lacking Load
The pitch moment M_z and the pitch angle θ of model are measured by strain gage bridge .
The frequency of roll and pitch are acquired by tachome-ter of B.K. company and LDC-825 counter .
A four-degree-of-freedom vehicle vibration model was set up and the PSDs for vertical acceleration and pitching angular acceleration of vehicle body centroid were got through Matlab simulation .
According to a class of plants containing a double-integrator , for example the pitch-axis rigid body dynamics of a spacecraft , we designed a mixed sensitivity Hinf robust controller .
To bias momentum flywheel system , based on classic control theory , a PID control law for pitching and non-least phase control law for rolling-yawing are developed .
For the first time the PID controller based on genetic algorithm control longitudinal model , and using MATLAB simulation software to make the pitching angle step response simulation .
The radiation pattern of a new umbrella monopole antenna was simulated numerically , and the radiating or receiving zero field in some spatial range of E plane pattern of the antenna was discussed .
By the variation principle , this paper built a new kind of Lagrange function to investigate the analytical solution of liquid nonlinear sloshing in a pitching tank .
The simulation results show that the electrohydraulic active suspension system with the H_ ∞ linear output-feedback controller greatly reduces the vertical acceleration and longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle body and improves the ride and handling performance as appropriate weighted functions are selected .
The Runge-Kutta method is utilized to obtain the relationship between the angle as well as the angular velocity and time in the case of the slide way structure .
By MATLAB software , make mathematical modeling for the pitch , yow and roll three channels , to optimize the PID control parameters . Finally , test the functional of control circuit board , and debug the guided rocket control system .
The controller is designed based on backstepping design strategy . The validation of the proposed control strategy is carried out in the pitching direction of a 2-DOF modular manipulator .
Basing on the Lagrange-Maxwell equations of electromechanical dynamics , a tracking system of azimuth and elevation is studied , and the non-linear biaxial coupling electromechanical dynamics model of azimuth and elevation is established .
A 3-D perceptual system is designed and implemented for a mobile robot under unstructured environment . The system is based on a 2-D laser rangefinder mounted on a high precision platform with two freedom of horizontal and pitch rotation .
This implies that the DFC controller can decouple the movement modes and can accurately calculate the 3 modes of the direct lift control such as direct lift and pitch pointing .
The analysis results of the produce of shadow and the relation among the height of target , depression angle of radar and shadow show that it is possible to extract 3-D geometric features extraction from SAR target in high-resolution SAR imagery .
This paper analyzes some main factors that affect precision of axis system of X-Y pedestal , classifies these factors and compares the X-Y pedestal with the A-Z pedestal .
The S-IVB stage has its single engine gimbaled in pitch and yaw .
The coordinate transformation technology is adopted to compensate with real time the attitude angles ( rolling angle R , pitch angle P and course angle H ) of the swinging ship on the azimuth and elevating axis of the radar antenna in order to stabilize the radar antenna .
Then , uses the human-simulated intelligent control algorithm to design the controller of the pitch channel , compares the HSIC algorithm and the traditional PID control algorithm through simulation , concludes the advantages of the HSIC algorithm , and verifies the feasibility of this scheme .
When analysing the longitudinal damping moment , not only should the pitching damping moment caused by the pitching angular velocity be considered , but the damping moment of the lag of wash caused by the angle of changing rate be calculated .
In order to analyze the causes of LiDAR instrument cone scan angle and its impact on point clouds , differences between the impact of cone scan angle error and pitch angle error to point clouds are discussed .
The nonlinear mapping relations in the field of time are found by RBF neural networks . Another vehicle body centroid vertical acceleration and pitching angular acceleration which are calculated by simulation are used to identify road surface roughness by trained networks .
Based on RBF neural networks and backstepping control techniques , a nonlinear robust controller design method is proposed for missile control systems with input unmodeled dynamics in pitch channel . The neural inverse compensator is designed using two RBF neural networks .
MIL-STD-1797A offers six different methods for evaluating the short-term pitch response .
Based on dynamic modeling and dynamic analysis of supercavitating vehicle , sliding mode variable structure control and LQR control are used on depth control , pitch control , lateral control and yaw control .