
tiān rán mù chǎnɡ
  • natural pasture
  1. 随着畜牧业的快速发展,天然牧场超载过牧、饲草、饲料的缺乏问题将会变得更为突出。

    As the fast development of animal husbandry , the problems of animal overloading and lacking of fodder will be more and more serious .

  2. 而内蒙古具有先天的发展奶业的条件,如适宜的自然环境,丰富的天然牧场,悠久的奶牛饲养历史等。

    Inner Mongolia has the congenital terms of development milk industry , such as feat natural environment , abundant of natural ranch , the long history of milk-cow feeds etc.

  3. 内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市背靠全国最大面积的优质天然牧场,劳动力成本底,资源丰富,具有发展奶业的良好区位优势和资源优势。

    Lying in the country 's largest high-quality natural grassland , with the low labor cost and rich resources , Hohhot has the advantages of its geographical position and abundant resources .

  4. 野外的生态环境,天然纯净的牧场独特的饲养技术,创造了顶级牛肉。

    Fruit of sustainable farming , natural pastures and unique feeding , the tenderloin on your plate is guaranteed to melt in your mouth .

  5. 榆树乡境内森林覆盖率高,草场面积大,自然饲草资源十分丰富,是一个天然的大牧场。

    Elm Township , the territory of high forest cover , grassland area , the natural grass is very rich in resources , is a natural ranch .

  6. 从数据看出,2002年新疆畜牧业年末存栏数是1949年年末存栏数的457倍,新疆天然草地季节牧场超载,产草量降低。

    Data shows that the stock on hand at the end of 2002 was about 4.57 times that on hand at the end of 1949 . The natural grassland is overloaded and the natural forage yield has reduced .