
  • 网络Paradise Island;island paradise;Paradise Island Resort;PARADISE ISLAND RESORT & SPA
  1. 天堂岛有许多水生别墅,他们是由清澈海水所包围

    Paradise Island has many aquatic villas , they are surrounded by the limpidity sea .

  2. 在天堂岛,星期一是一个阳光明媚的好日子。

    Monday was a beautiful sunny day on Paradise Island .

  3. 我甚至还买了一件牌子是“天堂岛的女儿们”(DaughtersofThemyscira)的夹克来显示我是多么的兴奋。

    Hell , I even bought a branded " Daughters of Themyscira " jacket to show just how jazzed I was .

  4. 林奇来自西伦敦汉默史密斯,她的荧屏处女作是2011年电影《女飞人》,出演过电视剧《沉默的证人》和《天堂岛疑云》,还是2015年的BBC“短命剧”《阿衰与阿呆》的常驻演员。

    Originally from Hammersmith , West London , she made her debut in the 2011 film Fast Girls , has appeared in Silent Witness and Death In Paradise and was a regular cast member on the short-lived 2015 BBC show Crims .

  5. 也许你应该从天堂岛回来陪我。

    Maybe you should come home from paradise island .

  6. 一起搭乘头等舱飞往一个热带天堂岛

    are flown first class to a tropical island paradise

  7. 天堂岛亚特兰蒂斯水上乐园拥有独一无二的占地141英亩的海景。

    Atlantis Paradise Island 's water park is a one-of-a-kind 141-acre waterscape . 9 .

  8. 超凡使者:该人从那些经受反叛考验、被证实忠诚的人所开设的特殊课程中毕业而到达天堂岛。

    Mighty Messenger : One who has graduated Paradise in a special class of those who are rebellion tested and proved loyal .

  9. 这座经典的度假胜地“天堂岛”座落在印度洋。马尔代夫有人居住的200座岛屿分布在3.5万平方英里的海洋上,其中99座已专门开发成度假胜地。

    Of its 200 inhabited islands , which are spread across an area of 35000 square miles , 99 are dedicated resorts .

  10. 如今大溪地已经成为继夏威夷、普吉岛、马尔代夫之后走进中国人视线的天堂岛,是夏日度假避暑的最佳选择。

    Today , Hawaii , Tahiti has become , Phuket , the Maldives following the line of sight into the Chinese island of paradise , summer vacation is the best choice for summer .

  11. 夏威夷岛上的景点会出现在名单上,这毋庸置疑,不过拉奈岛也确实堪称人间天堂中的天堂。岛上没有红绿灯,只有两家旅馆,让你感觉这里是你专属的小小天堂。

    It 's almost a given that a Hawaiian destination would make the list , but Lanai is truly an escape even in paradise.There are no traffic lights on the island and only two hotels , making it feel like your very own slice heaven .

  12. 一份“世界上最好的工作”的招聘广告一经发布——在天堂般的岛上休闲6个月还能挣到高薪——立刻引发了全球的点击热潮,导致发布该广告的一家澳大利亚网站瘫痪。

    Huge global interest in " the best job in the world " -- earning good money for lazing on a paradise island for 6 months -- has crashed the Australian website where it is advertised .

  13. 小船驶向天堂一般的巴厘岛。

    The boat left for the paradise isle of Bali .

  14. 我真的很享受我在天堂英语和长滩岛上的这段时间。

    I really enjoyed my time at Paradise English and Boracay .