
  • 网络Urology;Urological Surgery
  1. 泌尿外科学:诊断及治疗泌尿系统及男性生殖系统的医学专科。医学中有关尿道或泌尿生殖器失调的诊断与治理的分支。

    Urology : Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs . the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the urinary tract or urogenital system .

  2. 宫颈癌根治术泌尿系损伤的临床分析泌尿外科学:诊断及治疗泌尿系统及男性生殖系统的医学专科。

    Clinical analysis on radical surgery of cervical cancer urinary tract injury Urology : Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs .

  3. 中国腔内泌尿外科学的建立和发展

    The Foundation and Development of Endourology in China

  4. 目的近年来,随着腔内泌尿外科学的飞速发展,广谱抗生素的广泛应用,脓肾的治疗有了新的发展,不在局限于I期行肾切除。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of science Endourology , broad-spectrum antibiotics widely used in the treatment of renal abscess , the treatment of renal abscess new developments , unlimited to Phase I of renal resection .