
tǐ zhì
  • constitution;physique;predisposition;body constitution;somatoplasm
体质 [tǐ zhì]
  • [physique;constitution] 人体健康状况和对外界的适应能力

  • 虚弱的体质迫使他到南方去居住

体质[tǐ zhì]
  1. 他的体质很好。

    He has good physique .

  2. 本病患者多具过敏性体质,与遗传性IGA缺乏有一定关系;

    Most patient have anaphylaxis physique , Concern with heredity IGA scarcity ;

  3. 那场病使得他体质大大减弱。

    He was much weakened constitutionally by the disease .

  4. 许多体质敏感的人尤其反感柴油废气。

    Diesel exhaust is particularly aggravating to many susceptible individuals .

  5. 他体质太差,爬不到山顶。

    He was too out of condition to clamber over the top .

  6. 约翰逊医生和我一直试图增强他的体质。

    Dr. Johnson and I have been trying to build him up physically .

  7. 现在采取措施增强体质会使你日后受益。

    Steps taken now to maximise your health will pay dividends later on .

  8. 我想参加有氧运动训练班来增强体质。

    I 'd like to join an aerobics class to improve my fitness .

  9. 晨练增强了他的体质。

    Morning exercises have strengthened his health .

  10. 这女孩纤弱的体质一直使她的父母感到忧虑。

    The girl 's delicacy [ delicate health ] has always worried her parents .

  11. 体育锻炼有助于增强体质。

    Exercise is conducive to good health .

  12. 她的体质很好,从不生病。

    She 's got a good constitution and never comes down with any illness .

  13. 他们的体质都很好。

    They are all strong and healthy .

  14. 他体质强健,精力充沛。

    He is constitutionally energetic .

  15. 学校应当建立学生体质监测制度,发现学生出现营养不良、近视、肥胖等倾向或者有导致体质下降的不良行为习惯,应当及时进行管理、干预。

    Schools should establish a monitoring system for the physical fitness of students . If any indications of malnourishment , myopia and obesity or unfavorable habits that may lead to decline in physical fitness are detected , schools should step in and offer help in time .

  16. B组:空载体质粒治疗组;

    Group B is empty vector group .

  17. 体质在不同证型中的分布存在差异,经统计处理有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The difference has existed in the distribution in different cards type of constitution .

  18. 气虚体质的肿瘤患者化疗后可能更容易影响毒副反应的大小,其P0.05,有统计学意义。

    Qi-deficiency in cancer patients after chemotherapy more easily lead to toxicity , P0.05 , with statistical significance .

  19. 【目的】建立上海市0~18岁体质指数(bodymassindex,BMI)百分位及超重肥胖界值点。

    Objective To construct centile curves of body mass index ( BMI ) and cut off points for overweight and obesity for Shanghai children .

  20. 牛磺酸、DHA对小鼠体质和智力发育的影响

    The Effect of Taurine , DHA on Growth in Body and Intelligence of Mouse

  21. 结论:疗效标准应用体重结合体脂百分率(F%)和体质指数(BMI)等,且应统一标准;

    Conclusion : Therapeutic effect standards should be combined weight with F % and BMI and so on , and be unified .

  22. 方法:用正常人血浆,使其在试管中产生D-二聚体,制成D-二聚体质控品;以X质控图法控制D-二聚体的检测质量。

    Methods : We used normal plasma to produce the D-dimer in the test tube , preparing D-dimer quality control products , and controlled the D-dimer test quality by the X quality control chart method .

  23. 成都市大学生膳食状况、营养KAP与体质状况调查

    A Study on Dietary Status , Nutrition Knowledge , Attitude , Practice and Physical Constitution of College Students in Chengdu

  24. 高敏的异位性体质患者嗜碱性粒细胞CD63表达分析:慢性自身免疫性荨麻疹的一种实用的方法

    Basophil CD63 expression assay on highly sensitized atopic donor leucocytes-A useful method in chronic autoimmune urticaria

  25. 体力劳动者的CCT高于脑力劳动者的CCT,体质指数(BMI)与CCT呈正相关,饮酒量与CCT呈负相关。

    Physical activity and body mass index ( BMI ) were also positively associated with CCT whereas alcohol consumption was negatively associated with CCT .

  26. 目的分析广西城乡居民成人体质指数(BMI)、腰围(WC)与糖尿病(DM)及空腹血糖受损(IFG)的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between anthropometric indices and diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and impaired fasting glucose ( IFG ) in the Guangxi inhabitants .

  27. 文章以《大学生体质健康标准(试行方案)》为依据,应用中体同方体质测试管理系统软件(学校版)以及microsoftexcel软件进行统计处理;

    Based on the criterion on healthy constitution of the undergraduates ( trial program ) use the software of testing system ( school edition ) and Microsoft excel software to count and deal with ;

  28. 介绍了应用Delphi开发《普通高等学校学生体质健康标准管理系统》的目的、设计过程和关键技术,并在实践中进行大样本数据检验和研究。

    The purpose , designing process , key technology of The Standards of Students ' Physical Quality Managing System in Colleges which designed by Delphi were introduced . And big-sample data experiments to test its efficiency .

  29. [目的]探讨双胎孕妇的孕前体质指数(BMI)和孕期体重增加与新生儿体重三者的关系。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the relationship between the pre-pregnant body mass index ( BMI ) of twin-pregnant women , the weight increase during their pregnancy , and the birth-weight of their newborns .

  30. 8~9周龄ICR小鼠与8~9周龄BALB/c小鼠、C57BL/6J小鼠比较体质偏热;

    The constitutions of eight to nine week-old ICR mice were prone to hot compared with the same age BALB / c mice and C57BL / 6J mice .