
  • 网络Second-hand transaction;Secondhand;Second-hand Exchange;trading place;secondhand deal;C2C
  1. 百思买和沃尔玛此前也推出过类似的电脑游戏回购服务,而在它们之前,更早在二手交易领域取得成功的是电脑游戏连锁商店gamestop。

    Similar video-game buy-back ventures had previously been launched by best buy and Walmart , which were in turn following the early success in the second-hand business of Gamestop , the computer video game store chain .

  2. 近几年,二手交易已经变得很普遍。

    In recent years , second-hand transactions have become quite common .

  3. 我们都是弃儿,被抛弃、被捐赠…宅前贱卖、二手交易、甚至赤裸裸地被丢弃。

    We 're all here . We 've been , donated ... yard sales , second-handed and just plain thrown out .

  4. 网上二手交易系统在高校有着潜在的应用前景,无论从提升院校整体形象上还是从经济利益上,都有着十分重要的意义。

    This system has very good using potential ; it has a great significance both in improving the overall image and economic interests .

  5. 艺术家说这项规定侵害了流行文化,影响了录音转播机、电吉他和其他优秀设备的二手交易。

    Artists say the regulations infringe on popular culture , affecting the resale of items such as turntables , electric guitars and other classic devices .

  6. 其中,主观规范包含回收现状、生产商行为和政府行为三类;行为态度包含现状改善态度、二手交易态度和回收补贴态度三类。

    The subjective norms contain the recovery status , the manufacturer actions and the government actions ; the attitudes toward the actions contain the attitude to improvement of the recovery status , the attitude to second-hand trade and the attitude to subsidies categories .

  7. 在因特网上进行二手设备交易大百货VS大卖场

    General Merchandise & Big Marketplace

  8. 上海二手车交易市场(ShanghaiUsedCarTradeMarket)助理市场经理盛峰(音译)表示:生意好过新车代理。该市场拥有一座巨大的三层停车场,每天聚集着70名经销商。

    This is a better business than having a new-car dealership , says Sheng Feng , assistant marketing manager of Shanghai Used Car Trade Market , a large three-storey car park where 70 dealers gather daily .

  9. 亚马逊随后扩充了服务内容,包含了二手DVD交易,并于去年12月开始回购销售高校教材。

    Amazon subsequently extended the service to include DVDs , and in December started buying back and reselling college text books .

  10. 比如eBay旗下的eBayMotors就在网络上发布了成千上万辆车型信息,方便私人进行二手车交易。

    EBay motors , a division of eBay ( eBay ) , offers thousands of vehicles online for sales between private parties .

  11. 我手头这本是我在英国海港城市达特茅斯(Dartmouth)的一次二手书交易活动中购买的,不过它目前仍在发行。

    I bought mine from a second-hand book sale in the English harbour town of Dartmouth , but it is still in print .

  12. 二手票券交易平台StubHub显示,周三这场比赛的票价比去年湖人队最后一场主场比赛的价格要高出89%。

    Ticket prices for Wednesday 's game are up 89 % from last year 's final Lakers home game , according to StubHub .

  13. 一二手房交易比例逆转上海房产市场成熟了?

    Housing transactions a second-hand property market in Shanghai reverse proportion mature ?

  14. 单一价格二手车交易模型的均衡解

    Equilibrium Solution Of Single Price Trading Model Of Second-Hand Car

  15. 但是,二手商品交易也存在一些问题。

    However , there are also some problems in secondhand goods transactions .

  16. 西安市二手住宅交易价格评估方法研究

    Research of the Secondhand Residence Price Evaluation Method

  17. 二手房交易税调控效果及税收调控策略研究线性控制器正比控制器

    Regulation and Control Effects of Tax on Transaction of Second-Hand House and Taxation Strategies

  18. 中介企业二手房交易风险分析与对策研究

    Analysis of Risks on Second-hand Housing Transaction and Researches into Countermeasures in Intermediary Business

  19. 专业从事:二手房交易买卖、政策咨询、银行按揭、代办过户、低压贷款。

    Specialized in : second-hand housing transaction policy advice mortgage banks transfer agents low-pressure loans .

  20. 二手车交易电子商务平台分析与设计

    Analysis and Design Used-car Trading E-commerce Platform

  21. 直到我醒来发现自己被埋在第4高速路的二手车交易库后面

    Until I wake up in the ground Behind a used-car dealership on highway 4 .

  22. 而二手设备交易的一个重要基础条件就是对二手设备进行科学评估。

    The used equipment transaction is an important basic conditions for scientific assessments of second-hand equipment .

  23. 当然,北京的二手房交易仍然有许多的发展空间。

    Of course , Beijing 's second-hand housing transactions there is still much room for growth .

  24. 上海位于中国东部,是二手车交易市场中最为活跃的市场之一。

    Shanghai , which locates in Eastern China , involves active marketing trades in second-hand car industry .

  25. 一时间,有关二手房交易税的是是非非被炒得沸沸扬扬。

    For a time , the second-hand housing transactions tax controversies surrounding this subject in seething hot .

  26. 并对二手房交易信息成本的实际内涵进行界定。

    Subsequently , the definition of the actual meaning in second-hand housing transaction costs will be given .

  27. 但是传统交易模式已经难以适应现代二手物品交易的需要。

    But the traditional exchange model has been difficult to meet the needs of the modern second-hand exchange .

  28. 他必须建立一个强有力的经销网络,以便提供试驾和售后服务、处理二手车交易。

    He will have tdevelop a robust distribution system that can offer test drives , provide service , and handle trade-ins .

  29. 第二章,详细讨论我国二手车交易合同问题,具体包括:二手车交易的合同示范文本、合同的效力、现实中存在的合同欺诈行为。

    Specific include . The second-hand vehicle transaction contract text of demonstrative . The effectiveness of the contract , and the contract fraud .

  30. 而在二手房交易市场中,一房二卖甚至一房多卖的行为屡禁不止,诉讼不断。

    And the housing transactions in the secondary market ," a number sells " behavior is banned repeatedly more than , constantly proceedings .