
  1. 基于GIS的土地利用动态变化与预测&以井陉县威州镇为例

    Prediction of Land Use Variation Change Based on GIS

  2. 基于GIS技术的汶川县威州镇生态规划及灾后重建研究

    The Research on the Ecological Reconstruction of Weizhou Town in Wenchuan County Based on the GIS Technology after Earthquake

  3. 我们为在威州理工这次枪击案中遇难的人祷告。

    We pray for the dead and wounded in the shooting at VA tech.

  4. 北威州的极端天气造成了大量损害,并导致6人死亡。

    In Nordrhein-Westfalen verursacht ein Unwetter schwere Sch ä den . Sechs Menschen sterben .

  5. 在北-威州,两党在教育这个州层面上最重要的议题上有分歧。

    In NRW the two parties differ on education , the top issue at state level .

  6. 北威州若失利,新政府会士气大跌,也会抹消其在上议院联邦参议院占多数的席位优势。

    A loss in North Rhine-Westphalia would demoralise the new government and erase its majority in the Bundesrat , the upper house .

  7. 谢方叔,南宋末大臣,威州(今四川理县东北)人。

    Xie Fangshu , minister at the end of the Southern Song dynasty , was from Weizhou , the present northeast Lixian of Sichuan .

  8. 默克尔决心在5月9日(德国北威州地方选举日)后推动该问题的解决。

    Ms Merkel is determined to push the resolution beyond May 9 , the date of the regional elections in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia .

  9. 在这次英国大选,以及三天之后的德国北威州大选中,大型政党都发现自己的选票份额不祥地缩水。

    In both the UK and three days later in the state election in North Rhine-Westphalia , the big parties saw their share of the vote shrink ominously .