
  • 网络first lord of the admiralty;lord high admiral;admiralty;first lord of admiralty
  1. 相册中有丘吉尔担任英国海军大臣期间视察海军新兵、1910年在皇家行宫检阅布赖顿警察和他年轻时骑马的照片。

    He is seen inspecting naval recruits when he was First Lord of the Admiralty , inspecting the Brighton Police in the Royal Pavilion grounds in1910 and riding a horse as a young man .

  2. 那个胖子是昨天晚上装第一海军大臣的人。

    The fat man had been the First Sea Lord last night .

  3. 门又开了,第一海军大臣走出来。

    Then the door opened again and the First Sea Lord came out .

  4. 直到海军大臣命令他去。

    Until the secnav ordered him to .

  5. 这个离奇的混合物是洛德?费希尔短期出任海军大臣时的产物。

    This strange combination was the result of the brief tenure of office of Lord Fisher as First Sea Lord .

  6. 这位第一海军大臣以前根本没有见过我,但从他的眼神里我知道他已经认出了我。

    The First Sea Lord had never seen me before , but in his eyes I saw that he recognized me .

  7. 你们知道他的身体也许允许他今晚来开会,而且作为第一海军大臣来这里也是合情合理的。

    You knew that he might be well enough to come tonight and , as First Sea Lord , it was natural for him to be here .

  8. 但前英国海军大臣韦斯特感叹道,英国海军已大不如前,很难再打一场像马尔维纳斯群岛战役那样的战争。

    But the former British naval minister lamented Road West , the British navy has gone down as the Malvinas Islands is difficult to resort to a campaign as war .

  9. 人们在报纸上熟悉了他的面孔&四方脸、灰胡子、蓝眼睛炯炯有神。他就是阿罗勋爵,第一海军大臣,英国海军的首脑。

    Everybody knew his face from the newspapers & a square , grey beard and bright blue eyes Lord Alloa , the First Sea Lord , and head of the British Navy .

  10. 这公文是法国海军大臣给拉,白鲁斯船长的训令,边缘还有路易十六亲笔的批语呢!

    They were the actual military orders given by France 's Minister of the Navy to Commander La Perouse , with notes along the margin in the handwriting of King Louis XVI !

  11. 当A.V.亚历山大就任海军第一大臣时,他甚至无权知道海军的情报,更不要说分析方法了。

    While A.V. Alexander , the trade union man who followed Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty , was never allowed to know about naval intelligence , let alone cryptanalysis ,

  12. 海军第一大臣,也就是海军的首脑,生病了,可能来不了。

    The First Sea Lord , the head of the Navy , has been ill , and may not be able to come .