- 网络thaw slumping

Monitoring results of nearly one year show that the thaw slumping body developed in the slope of small dip angle has obvious deformation and its displacement mainly occurs in shallow soil area and decreases with depth . The monitoring results were verified by numerical simulations .
Analysis on ground temperature changes and landslide process of thaw slumping in permafrost regions
The Destroying Mechanism under Thaw Slumping Distortion and Evaluation of Stability of the Frozen Soil Slope
From environmental engineering geology viewpoint , control measures based on permafrost protection principle for thaw slumping have been put forward .
Through the failure of thawing-soil slope the method for the stability evaluation of the slope with different seepage conditions is presented .
The continual freezing and expanding , melting and submerging and melting and sinking of roadbed are the main problem on the building and maintaining of road in frozen earth area .